The Scottish Register of Tartans

29 March 2025
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Your search has produced 833 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
C-Tec N.I. LtdCorporate 21/10/2015
Cabot Cape BretonCorporate 11/02/2025
Cabot HighlandsCorporate 23/09/2024
Cadden-Phillips (Personal)Name 27/09/2015
Cadence Design Systems (Corporate)Corporate 01/07/1998
CadenheadCorporate 17/03/2016
Cadenhead (2015)Name 25/05/2015
Cahaba MemorialFashion 15/11/2010
Cahill (2017)Name 24/04/2017
Cahonas ScotlandCorporate 14/07/2016
Caie (2013)Name 18/02/2013
Caig (Personal)Name 01/01/2007
Cailean (Pendleton)Fashion Not Specified
Cailean (Scotch House)Fashion 01/01/1981
CailleachFashion 23/11/2009
CairnFashion Not Specified
Cairn (Marton Mills)Fashion 01/01/2003
Càirn Globél’s ‘kernCorporate 23/10/2020
CairngormDistrict 01/01/1963
Cairngorm #2Fashion 01/01/2006
Cairngorms National ParkCorporate 11/11/2014
Cairns of FinavonName 01/09/2006
Cairns, David (Personal)Name 01/01/2010
Cairns, Ian, Cascadia (Personal)Name 19/07/2023
Caisteal LeòdhaisCorporate 11/02/2015
Caithelyn (Personal)Name Not Specified
CaithnessDistrict 01/01/1995
CaitriotCorporate 01/08/2014
CAL FIRE Local 2881Corporate 13/09/2013
Cala Homes (Corporate)Corporate 01/02/1999
Calais (Fashion)Fashion Not Specified
Calderwood, R & Family (Personal)Name 14/01/2025
Caldwell, E & Family (Personal)Name 03/05/2020
Caledon (Corporate)Corporate Not Specified
CaledoniaFashion 01/01/1819
Caledonia GladiatorsCorporate 06/03/2023
Caledonian (WCWM)Fashion Not Specified
Caledonian Airways (Corporate)Corporate Not Specified
Caledonian BloomFashion 01/02/2017
Caledonian Brewery (Corporate)Corporate 01/05/1996
Caledonian Cameron CommandoCorporate 01/01/1818
Caledonian Canals (Corporate)Corporate 05/12/2001
Caledonian ClubCorporate 12/07/2012
Caledonian Hotel (Corporate)Corporate 01/01/1995
Caledonian Labrador RetrieversFashion 10/03/2005
Caledonian MaasaiFashion 13/06/2017
Caledonian MapleFashion Not Specified
Caledonian MistFashion 11/05/2015
Caledonian Oriental Airlines (Corporate)Corporate 01/01/2003
Caledonian SleeperCorporate 10/11/2014
Caledonian Society of Prince Edward IslandCorporate 01/01/1835
Caley, J (Personal)Name 05/03/2021
CalgaryDistrict 01/01/2002
Calgary (Deerskin Trading Post)Fashion 01/01/1973
Calgary DressCommemorative 01/01/2018
Calgary FirefightersCorporate 11/04/2010
Calgary HOGCorporate 01/03/2011
Calgary, University of (Estimated Threadcount)Corporate 01/09/2000
California Burns (Personal)Name 01/01/2004
California Department of Forestry (Corporate)Corporate 22/07/1994
California Firefighters (Corporate)Corporate 01/01/1995
California Highway Patrol (Corporate)Corporate 01/01/1992
California Riverside, University of (Corporate)Corporate 29/01/2001
California StateDistrict 01/09/1997
Call of the Wild AutumnFashion 30/08/2024
Call of the Wild SpringFashion 30/07/2023
Call of the Wild SummerFashion 30/08/2023
Call of the Wild WinterFashion 30/08/2023
CallaghanName 01/08/2007
Callanish, TheFashion 05/02/2011
Callaway (Corporate)Corporate 01/01/1997
CallumFashion 01/01/1980
Callum (Buchan)Name 20/04/2008
Calum's CabinCorporate 01/02/2015
Calvert-Taylor, E & D (Personal)Name 01/07/2019
Camanadh AssociationCorporate 07/02/2025
CambridgeFashion 01/01/2005
Camelot (Corporate)Corporate 24/03/1998
Camenisch Enveglan Family (Personal)Name 24/08/2013
Cameron Boyle, The (Personal)Name 08/06/2009
Cameron HouseCorporate 01/09/2020
Cameron HuntingClan/Family01/01/1914
Cameron of ErrachtMilitary 01/01/1793
Cameron of Erracht (WCWM)Fashion Not Specified
Cameron of Erracht DressClan/Family01/01/1950
Cameron of Locheil (1930)Clan/Family01/01/1930
Cameron of Locheil (Original)Clan/Family01/01/1820
Cameron of Lochiel (Hunting)Clan/Family01/01/1940
Cameron, Alison (Personal)Name 01/12/2017
Cameron, Black & RedClan/Family01/01/2002
Cameron, Hose #1OtherNot Specified
Cameron, Hose #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Cameron, Mark (Personal)Name 14/05/2018
Camp Glen Arden BlueCorporate 24/06/2020
Camp Glen Arden RedCorporate 17/07/2020
Campagna CenterCorporate Not Specified
CampbellMilitary 01/01/1870
Campbell CollegiateCorporate 24/05/2011
Campbell Dress #1Clan/Family01/01/1880
Campbell HuntingFashion 01/01/1945
Campbell of ArgyllClan/FamilyNot Specified
Campbell of Argyll #2Clan/Family01/01/1822
Campbell of Argyll (no guards)Clan/Family01/01/1822
Campbell of Argyll (Smiths)Clan/Family01/01/1890
Campbell of Armaddie (Plaid)Other01/01/1750
Campbell of BreadalbaneMilitary 01/01/1793
Campbell of Breadalbane #2Clan/Family01/01/1819
Campbell of CawdorClan/Family01/01/1798
Campbell of Cawdor DressClan/Family19th century
Campbell of GlenlyonClan/FamilyNot Specified
Campbell of Loch AweOther01/01/1770
Campbell of Lochlane (Coat)Other01/01/1730
Campbell of Lochnell DressClan/FamilyNot Specified
Campbell of LoudounClan/Family30/11/1988
Campbell RedClan/FamilyNot Specified
Campbell, Brown (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Campbell, Marquis of LorneCommemorative 01/01/1871
Campbell, New LoudenMilitary 01/01/1840
Campbell, RedOtherNot Specified
Campbell-Hart, Briain M A & Family (Personal)Name 20/01/2020
Campbell-SimpsonName 01/06/1974
Campbell-Simpson (Personal)Name 01/06/1974
Campeaux, W and Family (Personal)Name 22/02/2022
Canadian AutumnFashion 01/01/2002
Canadian CaledonianDistrict 01/01/1939
Canadian Caledonian HuntingDistrict 01/01/1939
Canadian CentennialCommemorative 01/01/1966
Canadian Centennial #3Commemorative 01/01/2002
Canadian ConfederationCommemorative 01/01/1967
Canadian Dental AssociationCorporate 21/04/2011
Canadian EstateCorporate 01/01/1995
Canadian FancyDistrict 01/01/1970
Canadian Irish RegimentMilitary 01/01/1935
Canadian Legion Branch 50Corporate 01/01/1969
Canadian Para Rescue HonorMilitary 13/05/2022
Canadian Police CollegeCorporate 12/07/2022
Canadian RockiesFashion 25/12/2017
Canadian Society of Mayflower DescendantsCorporate 03/11/2024
Canadian VeteranOther07/01/2018
Canadian Winter Games 1987Corporate 01/01/2002
Canberra, City ofFashion 01/01/1997
CandleriggsFashion 26/01/2018
CANDU (Cancer Lived Experience)Corporate 20/03/2024
Canfield (Personal)Name 08/09/2009
CanforCorporate 01/02/2013
Canice-Moodie (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Canine All DogsFashion 30/04/2009
CanmoreFashion 01/01/1995
Canmore Highland GamesDistrict Not Specified
Canmore Highland Games DressDistrict Not Specified
CannaFashion 01/01/2002
Canna SaphireFashion Not Specified
Cannon, Suzanne (Personal)Name 20/07/2021
CanterburyDistrict 01/01/2000
Canuck PlaceCorporate 01/01/2007
Canyon County Idaho SheriffCorporate 01/01/2006
Caol Shore and Community Memories GroupOther09/09/2020
Caorunn GinCorporate 01/04/2016
CapcoCorporate 16/09/2015
Cape Breton (yellow stripes)District 01/01/1957
Cape Breton Eagles of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey LeagueCorporate 25/08/2022
Cape Breton Polish SocietyCorporate Not Specified
Cape Breton Regional Fire & Emergency Services (Backdraft)Corporate 19/03/2022
Cape Breton UniversityCorporate 28/10/1983
Cape Breton University Chemistry SocietyCorporate 23/02/2012
Capella EdinaCorporate 05/09/2024
CapercaillieCorporate 01/12/2005
Capricornica / CapricorniaFashion 01/01/2002
Cara O CruzFashion 22/05/2015
CarbonCorporate 08/05/2012
Cardiff City Football ClubCorporate 01/04/2005
Cardona, Arthur & Heidi and Family (Personal)Name 13/10/2023
Cardona, Arthur & Heidi and Family (Personal)Name 26/10/2023
Care ExperiencedCorporate 13/11/2014
CaribouDistrict 01/01/1990
Carillo Duggan, Diego & Luke (Personal)Name 11/03/2025
Carina Rose Designs - SaorsaFashion 06/06/2024
Carinthian NationalDistrict 01/05/2000
Carleton College RugbyCorporate 30/05/2016
Carlisle (Family)Name 01/01/1988
Carlisle AncientClan/Family01/01/1988
Carlisle, Charles (Personal)Name 17/03/2019
Carlow County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Carlow, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
Carmen Lau (Hong Kong) (Personal)Name 04/01/2011
CarnegieName 01/01/1819
Carnegie #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Carnegie #3Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Carnegie CheckDistrict 01/01/2002
Carnegie Club at Skibo Castle, TheCorporate 11/09/2024
Carnegie Corporation of New YorkCorporate 01/06/2022
Carnegie DressClan/FamilyNot Specified
Carnegie Medal of PhilanthropyCorporate 01/06/2022
Carnegie of SkiboCorporate Not Specified
CarnetFashion 01/01/2002
Carolina University, WesternCorporate 01/01/1998
Carolina, States ofDistrict 01/01/1980
Caron, Marc-André (Personal)Name 08/11/2016
Carr (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
CarrickDistrict 01/01/1930
Carrick High SchoolCorporate 01/01/2000
Carrick Hunting (Personal)Name 01/01/1930
Carrie, Ian (Personal)Name 20/03/2018
Carrington DeanCorporate 14/06/2019
Carroll O'ReedFashion 01/01/1985
Carroll, Megan (Personal)Name 30/07/2020
Carroll, R & Family (Personal)Name 13/10/2023
Carruthers, George (Personal)Name 01/12/2016
CarsaigFashion 01/01/1984
Carse of GowrieDistrict 01/01/2020
Carse of Gowrie DressDistrict 02/10/2020
Carson of Rusco (Personal)Name Not Specified
CarstairsName 01/09/2001
Carter (Savannah)Name 27/07/2010
Cartier, Sir George EtienneCommemorative 01/01/1967
Casa, A & C (Personal)Name 29/10/2022
Cascade SummersCorporate 01/01/1993
CaselyName 01/01/1990
Casely of Mannerston (Personal)Name 01/01/1990
Casey (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Casey Dress (Estimated threadcount)Fashion 01/01/2005
Casey of West Virginia (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
Cash (MacTavish)Clan/Family05/05/2019
CaskieName 01/01/1978
CaspariCorporate Not Specified
Castle Fraser CheckDistrict 01/01/2002
Castle on the HillFashion 30/03/2023
Castle StewartDistrict Not Specified
Castlefield (Personal)Name 26/01/2010
Catalan (92 Olympics)District 01/01/1992
Catalan DanceCorporate 01/01/2000
Catalan PrideFashion 08/07/2020
Catalunya EscociaFashion 01/10/2014
Cateran, TheOther10/07/2017
Cates Armigers (Personal)Name 01/01/2006
Cates DressName 01/01/2006
Cates HuntingName 01/01/2006
Cathcart Baptist 100 yearsCommemorative 02/09/2023
Cathmoir, I (Personal)Name 27/04/2022
CathroName 01/09/2005
Catr AminsOther25/05/2024
Causeway, TheDistrict 26/10/2011
Cauvin, S & Family (Personal)Name 06/06/2023
Cavalier, BlueFashion 01/01/1981
Cavalier, BrownFashion 01/01/1981
Cavalier, GreenFashion 01/01/1981
Cavalier, RedFashion 01/01/1981
Cavan County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Cavan, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
Cavendish, James Hunting (Personal)Name 22/11/2020
Cavendish, James (Personal)Name 01/10/2019
Cawte of Middlebanknock (Personal)Name 01/12/2003
Cecil D Pickersgill CommemorativeCommemorative 02/03/2022
Ceide (2017)Name Not Specified
Celebrezze, D (Personal)Name 09/01/2019
CelkiltCorporate 01/04/2015
Celtiberian PrideFashion 03/01/2020
Celtic Brooch Series, TheCorporate 14/02/2025
Celtic CombatFashion 01/01/2007
Celtic Football ClubCorporate 21/02/2018
Celtic NationsFashion 12/05/2011
Celtic Norse Heritage SocietyCorporate 17/03/2014
Celtic PrideFashion 01/05/2004
Celtic TitlesCorporate 25/04/2022
Celtic Women InternationalCorporate 01/06/2003
Celts of HungaryCorporate 28/11/2022
Celts, Tartan of theFashion 01/08/2000
Centennial-King George Lodge No.171Commemorative 20/07/1958
Centeno-Oxford (Personal)Name 11/11/2007
CenterName 17/04/2005
Central Michigan UniversityCorporate 18/01/2025
Central Newcastle SchoolCorporate 01/01/2007
Central Washington University WildcatCorporate Not Specified
Centrestage (Fun, Food, Folk)Other01/05/2018
Centrica EnergyCorporate 19/04/2010
CEOCorporate 20/07/2019
Cerbin, Michael (Personal)Name 12/10/2021
Cercle de Fermières de Saint-Élie d'OrfordCommemorative 16/07/2009
Cercle de Fermières Saint-ApollinaireCorporate 21/01/2023
Cercle de Fermières Saint-Joseph - 85th AnniversaryCommemorative 08/04/2024
Cercle de Fermières VarennesCorporate 15/12/2015
Ceredigion (Personal)Name 01/01/1986
Cetoloni (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Ch. Supt. Everett and Mrs Julene Summerfield DressName 17/04/2013
Chafee of Glenmary (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Châine des Rôtisseurs, (Grande Bretagne)Corporate 25/01/2016
ChakraaFashion Not Specified
ChaletFashion 01/01/1972
Chalk, Graeme & Powell, Lucy - Wedding (Personal)Name 29/08/2022
Chalk, Robert (Personal)Name 17/05/2011
Chalmers, William & Charlotte (Personal)Name 05/04/2022
Chalo Saint MardOther31/08/2017
Chambers BayCorporate 13/08/2015
Chambers, Christopher J (Personal)Name 28/01/2012
Chan, A & Family (Personal)Name 12/09/2022
Chan, Marco & Family (Personal)Name 19/10/2021
Chancerelle (2016)Name 01/12/2016
ChandolinDistrict 25/04/2017
CHANEL SASCorporate 23/02/2023
Chang-Miller (Personal)Name 01/11/2016
Change Mental HealthCorporate 20/12/2017
Changing ClimateFashion 08/08/2023
Chapman (2018)Name 14/12/2017
Chapman (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/2003
Chapman, Christopher E (Personal)Name 23/08/2018
Chapman-Smith, M & L (Personal)Name 15/04/2016
Characternyk, The (Black Reiver)Corporate 06/08/2024
Charles Rennie MackintoshFashion 01/06/2009
Charles-Carberry (Personal)Name 08/11/2013
Charleston Police DepartmentCorporate 01/03/2004
Charlotte County Association for the Preservation of Virginia AntiquitiesCorporate 22/06/2019
Charlotte Fire DepartmentCorporate 24/01/2013
CharlottetownDistrict 03/03/2024
Charnley, William Francis (Personal)Name 28/07/2017
Chartered Accountants of ScotlandCorporate Not Specified
Chartered Institute of ArbitratorsCorporate 01/05/2024
Chartered Institute of BankersCorporate 01/01/2003
Chartered Institute of Bankers in ScotlandCorporate 01/05/2002
Chartton, A & Family (Personal)Name 05/10/2021
ChateauFashion 01/01/1970
Château du Cheylard d'AujacDistrict 21/08/2023
Château FrontenacFashion 28/03/2018
Chattahoochee RiverDistrict 01/01/1994
Chattan (brown stripe variation)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Chattan (variation)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Chattan, Chief of ClanClan/Family01/01/1819
Chattan, ClanClan/Family01/01/1816
Chatwin, Craig Stuart (Personal)Name 16/05/2017
Chaudhri, Zafar IqbalName 23/11/2012
Cheape of TorosayClan/Family01/01/1934
Cheesehearts Green19Other12/01/2018
Chef BuchananOther15/02/2018
ChelseaFashion 01/01/2002
Chen, Sixue & Wu, Qirui (Personal)Name 27/02/2025
Cheney, Peter & Hastie, Andrew - Wedding (Personal)Name 08/01/2025
CherokeeCorporate 01/01/1996
Cherry Valley New YorkDistrict 01/01/1988
Cherry, John S (Personal)Name 07/01/2011
ChessFashion 31/01/2006
Chest Heart & Stroke ScotlandCorporate 12/09/2024
Chesters, Eric (Personal)Name 08/03/2014
ChesticoDistrict 01/07/1993
Chicago, University ofCorporate 01/01/1991
ChieftainFashion 01/01/2002
Chieftain'sCorporate 01/01/2007
Chieftain, TheFashion 01/10/1973
Child Human Rights DefendersOther23/03/2022
Child, TheFashion 01/09/2000
ChildersName Not Specified
Childers (Gurkha Rifles)Military 01/01/1907
Children 1stCorporate Not Specified
Children In NeedCorporate 01/12/2008
Children's Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS)Corporate 27/09/2023
Children's VillageCorporate 14/10/2016
Children's Wish Foundation of Canada, TheCorporate 01/11/2013
Chindecella Ruadh (Kemete Heil)Name 14/07/2010
Chinese ScottishCorporate 01/03/2006
Chinzei Keiai Junior High SchoolCorporate 26/09/2013
Chinzei Keiai SchoolCorporate 01/01/2002
Chinzei Keiai Senior High SchoolCorporate 26/09/2013
Chiporukha, Roman and Erica (Personal)Name 17/11/2022
Chisholm - 1800Other01/01/1800
Chisholm - 1842Clan/Family01/01/1842
Chisholm ColonialClan/Family22/01/2008
Chisholm HuntingClan/Family01/01/1906
Chisholm, Christopher (Personal)Name 01/11/2015
Chiti, Cristiano (Personal)Name 08/05/2015
Chivas RegalCorporate 01/01/2001
Choi, J & Family (Personal)Name 21/08/2020
ChoiceFashion 20/02/2019
Choinka Family (Inverness)Name 18/05/2012
Christian Dewar (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
Christian Dress (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
Christian Hunting (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
Christie (2016)Name 27/09/2016
Christie (London)Name 16/09/2010
Christie (London) HuntingName 17/09/2010
Christie, Keith & Family (Personal)Name 01/07/2023
ChristmasFashion 25/12/2011
Christmas Hill Game FarmCorporate Not Specified
Christmas MorningFashion 01/01/2007
Christopher Newport UniversityCorporate 01/06/2012
ChronsonCorporate 17/09/2018
Chu, T and B & Family (Personal)Name 10/03/2021
Chubbs, L & S (Personal)Name 01/03/2019
ChuMac (Personal)Name 20/05/2013
Church of ScotlandCorporate 03/11/2017
Churchill (Personal)Name 01/09/2000
CICorporate Not Specified
Cian of ElyName 01/01/1983
Cicerone EnsembleCorporate 16/02/2018
Cires, M & Milian, M, Doddiscombe (Personal)Name 05/02/2024
Cirrus LogicCorporate 10/03/2017
Citadel Military AcademyMilitary 01/01/1979
Citrine, Frank (Personal)Name 17/04/2020
City Building (Glasgow) LLPCorporate 01/02/2007
City of ArmadaleDistrict 01/01/2003
City of BarrieDistrict 01/01/2002
City of BrechinDistrict 01/01/2009
City of Chicago Pipe BandCorporate 25/06/2024
City Of DorvalDistrict 11/01/2009
City of DunfermlineDistrict 01/08/2023
City of Edinburgh (2001)District 01/06/2001
City of Geneva (Ohio)District 13/05/2019
City of KincardineDistrict 01/01/1987
City of LondonCorporate 17/05/2012
City of Long BeachDistrict 01/12/2016
City of New Bern 300District 05/05/2009
City of Pointe-ClaireDistrict 08/08/2011
City of Rome Pipe BandDistrict Not Specified
City of SarniaDistrict 01/08/2011
Clack (Personal)Name Not Specified
ClackmannanshireDistrict 27/06/2024
Clackson (Personal)Name 21/05/2003
Clackson Dress (Personal)Name 28/04/2018
Clackson Hunting (Personal)Name 28/04/2015
Clackson, Frideswide (Personal)Name 28/04/2020
CladishFashion 01/01/2003
Claesson-Molcroft, Daniel (Personal)Name 01/02/2017
Clairbaux, Laurent (Personal)Name 03/05/2019
Clan Cancer SupportCorporate 03/01/2022
Clan Cupra ClubCorporate 26/06/2021
Clan Films, TheCorporate 27/04/2020
Clan Haggis World (Corporate)Corporate 22/01/2013
Clan Hamilton SocietyClan/Family23/10/2022
Clan Harben Pty LtdCorporate 11/11/2022
Clan InebriatedCorporate 12/09/2008
Clan Irwin AssociationCorporate 04/07/2020
Clan Logan Society InternationalClan/Family30/01/2023
Clan McKay DrummersCorporate 25/02/2022
Clan Pipers Frankfurt and District Pipe BandCorporate 01/03/2011
Clanedin/CommonwealthCommemorative 01/01/1970
Clans and Scottish Societies of CanadaCorporate 03/04/2022
Clans of CaledoniaCorporate 01/09/2003
Clanton (Personal)Name 01/09/2000
Clare (Prince George) (Personal)Name 28/10/2010
Clare County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Clare, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
Clark of UlvaClan/Family01/01/1840
Clark's HarbourDistrict 23/03/2018
Clark, Michael W (Personal)Name 27/11/2023
Clark, Raymond Gordon (Personal)Name 30/01/2018
Clark, Red #1Clan/Family01/01/1830
Clark, Robert McGavin (Personal)Name 14/06/2017
Clarks No.1Fashion 17/08/2012
Claus of the North Pole (Restricted)Corporate 29/01/2009
ClauwaertName 13/07/2001
Clayton Dress (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2002
Cleeve, Jack (Personal)Name 21/01/2020
Cleghorn (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/2002
Cleghorne, S (Personal)Name 22/06/2023
CleikumFashion 01/01/2000
ClelandName 01/12/1989
Clemens and August (Personal)Name Not Specified
Clementine Churchill CommemorativeCommemorative 30/06/2018
Clemson UniversityCorporate 01/01/2002
Clergy "Two Spirit" (Personal)Name Not Specified
Clergy (Breacan na’n Clearach)Clan/Family01/01/1831
Clergy / Clark – Light Blue lines #1Name Not Specified
Clergy – Green lines #1Clan/Family01/01/1880
Clergy – Green lines #2Clan/Family01/01/1906
Climate EmergencyFashion 06/02/2020
Climate StripesFashion 23/10/2022
Climb, TheFashion 25/03/2013
Climo, Andrew and Family (Personal)Name 28/07/2022
Clinton (Personal)Name 01/01/2006
Clinton WeddingCommemorative 26/07/2009
ClodaghFashion 01/01/1970
Club Kilt du Pays de LorientCorporate 11/10/2017
Club WorldCorporate 01/01/1997
Clunie (Personal)Name 02/11/2002
CluthaCorporate 24/03/2015
ClydeFashion 01/01/1983
Clyde Family (Hurleford) (Personal)Name 15/11/2011
Clyde PlaceDistrict 19/02/2023
Clyde Valley HOGCorporate 01/02/2007
Clyde, David (Personal)Name 18/03/2011
Clydesdale BankCorporate 01/07/2016
Clydesdale Horse, TheFashion 02/12/2022
Clydeview AcademyCorporate Not Specified
CMACorporate 05/01/2024
Coal MiningFashion 22/05/2024
Coalfields Regeneration Trust, TheCorporate 13/02/2014
Coast & Glen (Fishbox) LtdCorporate 01/09/2016
Coast by NavygreyFashion 31/03/2021
Coates, Everett and Family (Personal)Name 28/06/2024
Coats (New Zealand)Name 20/06/2013
Coats, Everett (Personal)Name 30/05/2019
CobourgDistrict 13/12/2016
CobryCorporate 04/10/2023
CoburgFashion 01/01/1820
Coca ColaCorporate Not Specified
Cochrane (1974)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Cochrane (1984)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Cochrane AzureClan/FamilyNot Specified
Cochrane HuntingClan/Family01/02/2008
Cockburn #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Cockburn (Old Pattern)Clan/Family01/01/2002
Cockburn BlueClan/FamilyNot Specified
Cockburn of Ormiston DressClan/Family01/01/1930
Coding With Beagles - SuzieFashion 28/11/2020
Coeur D'Alene Firefighters Richard Gaines MemorialCorporate 16/01/2010
Cofalka, Aye & Family (Personal)Name 21/11/2022
Coffield-Limesand (Personal)Name 06/04/2012
COG USA, THECorporate 13/07/2010
Coghill, K and Family (Personal)Name 18/01/2024
Cogit AmorFashion 01/11/2022
CoigachDistrict 01/01/2005
Coigach TweedDistrict 01/01/1847
Coindeau, Olivier & Family (Personal)Name 12/03/2021
Coinean DubhCorporate 22/03/2016
Coker, Louis & Family (Personal)Name 19/05/2023
Colchester City Pipe BandCorporate 01/01/2010
Colchester, Nova ScotiaDistrict 24/04/2017
ColdstreamDistrict 01/01/1999
Cole-Dale (Personal)Name 24/02/2016
Colegate, A & Barber-Colegate, C (Personal)Name 24/01/2021
Coleman, John McGillivray (Personal)Name 07/04/2020
Coleman, Sarah-Louise (Personal)Name 18/03/2014
Colgan (Personal)Clan/Family01/06/1997
Colin Wesley WebsterName 20/12/2003
College of Dental Surgeons of AlbertaCorporate 24/05/2017
College of New CaledoniaCorporate 28/10/2010
College of RadiographersCorporate 01/01/1988
Collier, Benjamin (Personal)Name 06/11/2018
Collier, Benjamin, 2024 (Personal)Name 29/09/2024
Collier, Francis (Personal)Name 25/08/2021
Collier, Patricia (Personal)Name 14/03/2023
Colliers InternationalCorporate Not Specified
Collington, J, A, R & F (Personal)Name 04/03/2024
Collingwood, Thomas (Personal)Name 01/10/2022
Collister (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
Colomines, Nicolas (Personal)Name 28/11/2016
Colomines, Nicolas Dress (Personal)Name 26/05/2017
Colonial Marine (Aliens Legacy)Corporate 25/07/2011
ColoradoDistrict 01/01/1997
Colorado Tartan Day Society, TheCorporate 17/03/2015
ColourblindFashion 12/01/2024
Colours of ClachtollCorporate 16/11/2020
Colours of FlandersFashion 11/01/2017
Colours of HopeOther05/10/2016
ColquhounClan/FamilyNot Specified
Colquhoun #2Clan/Family01/01/1810
Colquhoun #3Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Colquhoun DressClan/Family01/01/1960
ColvinName 01/01/1998
Comann Albannach UQCorporate 19/08/2023
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association®Military 21/11/2016
Comme Ça Il ConteFashion 01/02/2016
Comme Ça Il PrincipeFashion 01/02/2016
Common Ground (Dress)Fashion 03/03/2012
Common KiltFashion 01/01/1819
CommonwealthFashion 01/01/1986
Commonwealth Games 1986Corporate 01/01/1985
Commonwealth Games 1986 #2Commemorative 01/01/1986
Commonwealth Games 1998Corporate 01/01/2002
Commonwealth Games Scotland (Commonwealth Games Council for Scotland Ltd)Corporate 01/06/2004
Commonwealth Games Scotland - Team Scotland 2022Corporate 21/04/2021
Commonwealth Games Scotland, Team Scotland 2014Corporate 13/01/2014
Commonwealth Games Scotland, Team Scotland 2018Corporate 01/09/2017
Commonwealth VariationFashion 01/01/2002
Compagnie d'Arc d'ErmontCorporate 20/09/2020
CompaqCorporate 01/01/2002
Compatriots Spirit of PeaceFashion 26/01/2018
Comrie GoldFashion Not Specified
Comrie Navy BlueFashion Not Specified
Concours of EleganceCommemorative 13/04/2015
ConfederateMilitary 01/01/1861
Confederate ArtilleryMilitary 01/01/1998
Confederate CavalryMilitary 01/01/2002
Confederate InfantryMilitary 01/01/1998
Confederate MemorialCommemorative 01/01/1995
Confederate Memorial DressMilitary 01/01/1998
Confederate RoseCommemorative 01/01/2004
Confessore (Personal)Name 16/05/1994
Confrerie de VouvrayCorporate 01/01/2003
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia AwarenessCommemorative 12/02/2020
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness DressCommemorative 12/02/2020
Congo, The Democratic Republic of theFashion 01/10/2007
Congressional Medal of Honor Society, TheMilitary 25/05/2023
Conlan, R (Personal)Name 12/09/2019
ConlonName 01/05/2006
ConnachtDistrict Not Specified
Connacht #2District 01/01/1999
Connacht (1993)District 01/01/1993
ConnaughtDistrict 01/01/1992
Connaught (Lochcarron)District 01/01/1997
Connaught AncestryFashion 26/02/2013
Connaught GreenDistrict 01/01/1992
Connecticut State Police Pipe BandCorporate 01/01/2002
Connecticut, State ofDistrict 01/01/1994
Connell (Dalgliesh) (Personal)Name Not Specified
Connell HuntingClan/Family31/03/2023
Connelly, James (Personal)Name 18/01/2010
ConnemaraDistrict Not Specified
Connie’s DreamOther21/12/2018
Connolly DressClan/FamilyNot Specified
Connolly HuntingClan/FamilyNot Specified
Conquergood (Canada)Clan/Family01/01/1982
Conquest, K & Family (Personal)Name 15/09/2023
Conrad, Dennis (Personal)Name 04/01/2020
Conroy (Personal)Name 01/01/1986
ContrecoeurDistrict 01/01/1992
Contrecoeur DressDistrict 01/01/1992
Conway (2017)Name 22/09/2017
Coogan (Personal)Name 01/09/2005
CookName Not Specified
Cook, Martin & Family (Personal)Name 04/06/2024
Cooke (Personal)Name 01/01/1993
Cooper Dress (Dalgliesh #1)Clan/Family01/01/1988
Cooper/CouperClan/FamilyNot Specified
Cooper/Couper (James Cant)Clan/Family01/01/1950
Cooper/Couper Dress (Dalgleish #2)Clan/Family01/01/2002
Coopers & LybrandCorporate 01/01/1996
COP (Culottés Ou Pas)Corporate 01/12/2020
COP26 - A New DawnCorporate 01/02/2021
Copar a'Beannichte (Personal)Name 01/06/2005
Copar a'Beannichte Dress (Personal)Name 01/06/2005
Coppa Romana (Switzerland)Corporate 01/01/2013
Copper HazeFashion 04/08/2023
Corcoran of Sherbrooke (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/1994
Cordiner (Boddam)Name 15/10/2012
Cordova, Patrick (Personal)Name 21/12/2018
Corey in BalachuirnName 24/04/2013
Cork County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Cork, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
Cormican, S & Family (Personal)Name 01/06/2019
CornellFashion Not Specified
Cornell #2Corporate Not Specified
Cornell, Christopher (Personal)Name 25/02/2023
Cornielje, Sebastian (Personal)Name 15/04/2017
Cornish Brewery, GreenCorporate 01/01/2002
Cornish Brewery, RedCorporate 01/01/2002
Cornish Christophers (Personal)Name 01/03/2001
Cornish CountrysideDistrict 01/02/2010
Cornish HuntingDistrict 01/01/1983
Cornish NationalDistrict 01/01/1963
Cornish National #2District Not Specified
Cornish National DayDistrict 01/01/1980
Cornish Pascoe, TheName 09/03/2010
CornwallFashion 01/01/2006
CoronationCommemorative Not Specified
Coronation (1936) #2Commemorative 01/01/2002
Corps of Royal EngineersMilitary 09/06/2020
Corps Suevia HeidelburgCorporate 01/01/2001
Correctional Service CanadaCorporate 01/02/2006
CorrieFashion 01/01/1984
CorriesCorporate 01/01/2006
Corstorphine Trial ADistrict Not Specified
Cosentino, Maurizio and Family (Personal)Name 26/07/2022
Cosentino, Maurizio and Family Hunting (Personal)Name 23/09/2023
Cosgrove, Richard and Catherine (Personal)Name 16/11/2021
Cossar (Personal)Name 01/01/1950
Costa, David (Personal)Name 22/02/2016
Côté-Haché (Personal)Name 18/01/2014
Cothill, A, & Family (Personal)Name 29/09/2019
Cotswolds DistilleryCorporate 29/08/2014
CoulinFashion 01/01/2002
Couling, Kevin Derek (Personal)Name 07/07/2020
Coulter (Personal)Name Not Specified
Coulter Dress (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/2002
Coulthard (Personal)Name 30/11/2001
Council of Scottish Clans & Ass.Corporate Not Specified
Country Club of North CarolinaCorporate 24/11/2023
Country Club of the RockiesCorporate 24/06/2021
Couper of GogarClan/Family01/01/1886
Courteboeuf, Henri (Personal)Name 10/07/2017
Courtenay Grimwood, J (Personal)Name 12/09/2018
Courtet-Meyer (Personal)Name 19/02/2011
Cousin, Storey (Personal)Name 23/06/2021
Coutts 75th (James Robert )Name 09/11/2010
Coutts 80th (James Robert)Name 26/11/2015
CoVASSCorporate Not Specified
Covenant CollegeCorporate Not Specified
CovenanterFashion 01/01/2004
Covey of QuailFashion 08/08/2023
Covington, Christopher (Personal)Name 09/03/2014
Covington, Daniel & Family (Personal)Name 11/06/2021
CowalDistrict 20/08/2009
Cowal Highland GatheringCommemorative 01/01/1994
Cowan of Inveresk (Personal)Name 01/01/1982
Cowe (Personal)Name 01/09/2003
CowieFashion 01/08/2005
Cowper (Personal)Name 01/01/2003
CowtownFashion 14/11/2022
Cox, Brian Denis (Personal)Commemorative 01/01/2006
Coyle, Mark (Personal)Name 06/09/2018
CozumelFashion 01/01/1996
CPA GroupCorporate 08/10/2020
Craig (Paisley)Other01/01/1880
Craig (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Craig Devlin (Dundee) (Personal)Name 05/11/2011
CraigholmeCorporate Not Specified
CraigmoorFashion Not Specified
Craik of Assington (Personal)Name 01/01/1980
CrailFashion 01/01/2002
Cramer (Personal)Name 01/01/2000
Crammon, B & Family (Personal)Name 29/09/2022
Crane of Cluny (Personal)Name 01/01/1998
Crane of Cluny Dress (Personal)Name 01/05/2002
Crane of Cluny Hunting (Personal)Name 01/05/2003
Crane of Cluny MourningName 01/10/2008
Craneware PlcCorporate 01/02/2019
Cranston DressClan/Family01/01/2002
CrantockFashion 01/01/2002
CraobhFashion 30/04/2020
CraparoName 01/07/2001
Craven CountyCommemorative 20/08/2012
Crawford Arisaid (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1985
CREATeGlasgowCorporate 11/04/2015
Credendari Aranceri 1985Corporate 07/09/2017
Creek Indian NationDistrict 01/01/1973
Crerar, James (Personal)Name 01/01/2023
Cribb (2016)Name 31/03/2015
CrieffDistrict 01/01/1797
Crieff & Strathearn #1District 01/01/1988
Crieff & Strathearn MuseumCorporate 30/11/2023
Crieff CloverleafCorporate 05/07/2023
Crieff Highland GatheringCorporate 13/06/2014
Crieff Hydro HotelCorporate 01/01/1990
Crieff Primary SchoolCorporate 26/02/2014
Crieff Red Dress (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2004
Crihfield Family (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
Crimson BarrelsFashion 21/11/2020
Crinnion (Middlesbrough) (Personal)Name 28/10/2012
Criterion, TheCorporate 01/11/2017
Crofters (Personal)District 01/03/2005
Crombie House CheckCorporate 01/01/1996
Crombie, Harry (Personal)Name 28/06/2016
CromdaleDistrict 01/01/2007
CrookName 01/01/1995
Crookdake-Cheng (Personal)Name 01/01/1994
Crookstoun, James (West Lothian) (Personal)Name 21/04/2011
Crosby (Personal)Name 01/01/1999
CrossbillFashion 01/11/2004
Crossnor SchoolCorporate 01/01/2001
Crosson, Damien and Family (Personal)Name 21/04/2020
Crouch (2018)Name 01/02/2018
Crouch, Chris (Personal)Name 16/11/2015
Crowson, E & Family (Personal)Name 29/07/2021
Croy, Jake (Personal)Name 20/09/2015
Crozier Ladyman, J (Personal)Name 21/07/2020
Crubin Plaid (MacPherson)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Cruickshank, L & Family (Personal)Name 15/10/2024
Cruickshank-Kopp, C & Family (Personal)Name 12/11/2023
CruikshankClan/FamilyNot Specified
Crumlish (2015)Name 11/10/2015
Cruse, C & Family (Personal)Name 21/02/2024
Crutcher, W (Personal)Name 16/02/2019
CrutherlandFashion 01/01/1984
CrystalCorporate 27/10/2022
CSCACorporate 01/01/2002
Cub Scouts of AmericaCorporate 01/01/2000
Cuillin Scottish Country DancersCorporate 09/05/2024
Cullen (Christian Hill) (Personal)Name 12/06/2013
CullodenDistrict 01/01/1746
Culloden 1746 - OriginalOther01/01/1746
Culloden BlueDistrict Not Specified
Culloden DressDistrict 01/01/1960
Culloden Dress #2District 01/01/1973
Culloden Dress AncientDistrict Not Specified
Culloden GreyOtherNot Specified
Culloden House Bed HangingsOtherNot Specified
Culloden Red Dress (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1997
Culloden Worn by Pr CharlesOtherNot Specified
Culloden, Blue Dress (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1997
CulrossDistrict 12/03/2019
Cultoquhey HotelCorporate Not Specified
CumbernauldDistrict 01/06/1987
Cumbernauld AcademyCorporate 15/02/2019
Cuming, W, Australia (Personal)Name 01/03/2022
Cumming - 1810Clan/Family01/01/1810
Cumming - 1831Clan/Family01/01/1831
Cumming - 1842Clan/Family01/01/1842
Cumming - 1850Clan/Family01/01/1850
Cumming - 1850Clan/Family01/01/1850
Cumming HuntingClan/FamilyNot Specified
Cummins Royal Blue, B (Personal)Name 20/10/2012
CumnockDistrict 20/03/2011
Cunard o' the ClydeCorporate 15/05/2015
CunninghamClan/FamilyNot Specified
Cunningham #2Clan/Family01/01/1880
Cunningham #3Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Cunningham / Wilsons' No.120Fashion 01/01/1819
Cunningham DressClan/Family01/01/1986
Cunningham Dress Burgundy (Dance)Clan/Family01/01/1986
Cunningham Dress Green (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1988
Cunningham Dress Purple (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1986
Cunningham HuntingClan/Family01/01/1990
Cunningham, Dress Blue (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2002
Cunningham, John (Personal)Name 29/03/2019
Cuny-Kayser, Julien & Victoria and Family (Personal)Name 24/12/2024
Cuppa TeaFashion 06/09/2020
CuraidhFashion 22/09/2022
Curd (2013)Name 05/11/2013
Curnow of Kernow (Personal)Name 01/01/1991
Currens (2016)Name 03/08/2016
Currie of ArranClan/Family01/01/1981
Currie of BaliloneClan/Family01/01/1822
Currie of Balilone (Variant Franklin)Other01/01/1994
Curry (Personal)Name 01/01/1955
Curtis, Joshua & Family (Personal)Name 03/09/2024
Curtis, Joshua & Family Hunting (Personal)Name 03/09/2024
CusackName 01/01/1999
Custer (Personal)Name 01/01/2004
Cuthill (Personal)Name 01/07/2006
CWINCorporate 15/06/2021
Cycling World ChampionshipsCommemorative 31/01/2023
CypressFashion 01/01/2002
Cypress Presbyterian ChurchCommemorative 01/04/2013
Czech NationalDistrict Not Specified