The Scottish Register of Tartans

29 March 2025
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Your search has produced 284 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
U.S. 2001 Air ForceMilitary 01/01/2002
U.S. ArmyCorporate 01/09/2004
U.S. Army (2023)Military 21/08/2023
U.S. Army EmblemMilitary 21/08/2023
U.S. Border PatrolCorporate 01/01/2000
U.S. Coast GuardMilitary 01/01/2002
U.S. Customs & Border Protection Corporate Not Specified
U.S. Forces ThursoMilitary 01/01/1985
U.S. Immigration & Customs EnforcementCorporate 01/01/2017
U.S. Law EnforcementCorporate 01/04/2007
U.S. Merchant Marine AcademyCorporate Not Specified
U.S. Postal ServiceCorporate 01/01/1997
U.S. SeabeesMilitary Not Specified
U.S. Special ForcesCorporate 01/03/2005
U.S.I. LimitedCorporate 01/04/1999
U.S.S. John Paul Jones #1Corporate 01/01/2002
UEFA (Glasgow)Corporate 01/02/2002
UerdingenDistrict 04/11/2022
UgandaFashion 06/10/2007
Uist GreenFashion Not Specified
Uittenbogaard, Dirk (Personal)Name 02/09/2018
Uitwaaien Papi (Personal)Name 01/09/2006
UK BraveFashion 02/02/2021
UK Fire and Rescue ServiceOther01/09/2017
Ukraine ForeverOther08/03/2022
Ulster (Original)Other01/01/1640
Ulster (Red (Reconstruction))District 01/01/1980
Ulster AncestryFashion 26/02/2013
Ulster ScotsFashion Not Specified
Un-named (D C Dalgliesh)Other01/01/2007
Un-named (D C Dalgliesh) #2Other01/01/2007
Un-named (D C Dalgliesh) #3Other01/01/2007
Un-named DutchOther01/01/2007
Unamed Riding cloak 1745OtherNot Specified
Under Ukrainian SkiesFashion 08/03/2022
Undiscovered ScotlandCorporate 01/01/2004
UnidentifiedFashion 01/01/2004
Unidentified #1OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #11OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #12OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #13OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #15OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #16OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #17Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified #18Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified #19OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #2OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #22OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #24Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified #25Fashion 01/01/2000
Unidentified #26OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #32OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #35OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #38OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #4OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #40OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #41OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #42OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #43OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #44OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #45OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #46Fashion 01/01/1998
Unidentified #47Fashion 01/01/2001
Unidentified #48Fashion 01/01/1999
Unidentified #49Fashion 01/01/1996
Unidentified #50Fashion 01/01/2002
Unidentified #51Fashion 01/01/1979
Unidentified #53Fashion 01/01/1995
Unidentified #55Fashion 01/01/1993
Unidentified #57Fashion 01/01/1976
Unidentified #58Fashion 01/01/1995
Unidentified #59Fashion 01/01/1981
Unidentified #60Fashion 01/01/2002
Unidentified #61Fashion 01/01/1996
Unidentified #62Fashion 01/01/1840
Unidentified #63Fashion 01/01/2002
Unidentified #64Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified #65Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified #66Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified #7OtherNot Specified
Unidentified #8OtherNot Specified
Unidentified (1996)Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified (Jones #1)Other01/01/1890
Unidentified (Miss Paterson)Other01/01/2004
Unidentified (R.J.Forsyth)Fashion 01/01/1930
Unidentified (Scolpaig)Other01/01/2002
Unidentified (Shirt)Fashion 01/01/1997
Unidentified (Sock Tie)Other01/05/1999
Unidentified 18th Centuary plain weaveOtherNot Specified
Unidentified 18th CenturyOther01/01/1859
Unidentified 20th CenturyFashion 01/01/2002
Unidentified ArisaidFashion Not Specified
Unidentified Arisaid #2OtherNot Specified
Unidentified BedspreadOtherNot Specified
Unidentified Chair CoveringOtherNot Specified
Unidentified CoatOtherNot Specified
Unidentified Cotton sampleOtherNot Specified
Unidentified DanceFashion 01/01/1990
Unidentified Early 18th Centuary #2OtherNot Specified
Unidentified FashionFashion Not Specified
Unidentified Fisherwife's PlaidOtherNot Specified
Unidentified fragmentOtherNot Specified
Unidentified Fragment #2OtherHistoric
Unidentified from WinnipegFashion Not Specified
Unidentified Furnishing #2Fashion 01/01/2002
Unidentified Gordon variantClan/FamilyNot Specified
Unidentified itemFashion Not Specified
Unidentified KirtleOtherHistoric
Unidentified Lady's kiltOtherNot Specified
Unidentified LindleyOther01/01/2000
Unidentified Lindley #2Other01/01/2000
Unidentified Lindley #3Other01/01/2000
Unidentified Lindley #4Other01/01/2000
Unidentified Lindley #5Other01/01/2000
Unidentified Lindley #6Other01/01/2000
Unidentified Lindley #7Other01/01/2000
Unidentified LocketOtherNot Specified
Unidentified No 22Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified No 3Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified No 3 #2OtherNot Specified
Unidentified No 30Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified no. 54Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified pattern #2OtherNot Specified
Unidentified pattern #3OtherNot Specified
Unidentified PinaforeFashion Not Specified
Unidentified PlaidFashion Not Specified
Unidentified Plaid #10Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified Plaid #11Fashion Not Specified
Unidentified Plaid #12OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #14OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #15OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #2OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #3OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #4OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #5OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #6OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #7OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #8OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid #9OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Plaid arisaidOtherNot Specified
Unidentified PortraitOther01/01/1997
Unidentified PrintingOther01/01/1970
Unidentified Printing #2Fashion 01/01/1981
Unidentified Printing #3Other01/01/1992
Unidentified Ross-shireOtherNot Specified
Unidentified SampleOtherNot Specified
Unidentified Sample #2Fashion 01/01/1998
Unidentified Scarlett #1Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #10Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #11Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #13Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #14Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #15Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #16Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #2Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #3Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #4Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #5Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #6Other01/01/2004
Unidentified Scarlett #8Other01/01/2004
Unidentified SettFashion Not Specified
Unidentified Silk PlaidOtherNot Specified
Unidentified Silk Plaid #2OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Silk scarfOtherNot Specified
Unidentified SpecimenOtherNot Specified
Unidentified Specimen #3OtherNot Specified
Unidentified Travelling costumeOtherNot Specified
Unidentified TweedFashion Not Specified
Unidentified WaistcoatOtherNot Specified
Union Club of British ColumbiaCorporate 23/02/2016
Union Fire Club Pipes and DrumsCorporate 01/11/2006
Union Memorial TartanMilitary 01/01/1995
Unique Heritage MediaCorporate 14/02/2022
Unison Lothian Health BranchCorporate 14/10/2021
United Arrows House CheckCorporate 14/03/2014
United Colours of ScotlandCorporate Not Specified
United DistillersCorporate 01/01/1990
United Pima Fire Pipes & DrumsCorporate 28/01/2024
United Pipers for PeaceCommemorative 02/10/2017
United Scots AmericanFashion 01/10/2007
United Services Planning AssociationMilitary 01/01/1992
United States (Personal)Fashion 01/01/1990
United We ConquerOther20/02/2017
Unity Presbyterian Church Fort Mill, SCCorporate 03/10/2023
Universal AncientOtherNot Specified
Universal Scientific IndustrialCorporate 01/01/2005
Universities Canada / Universités CanadaCorporate 03/03/2023
University Club of ChicagoCorporate 04/12/2018
University of AlbertaCorporate Not Specified
University of CincinnatiCorporate 15/01/2015
University of Delaware Fightin' Blue HenCorporate 01/05/2010
University of DundeeCorporate 01/01/2007
University of EdinburghCorporate 08/09/2007
University of Edinburgh Business School, TheCorporate 01/08/2002
University of GeorgiaCorporate Not Specified
University of Glasgow & Nankai UniversityCorporate 08/10/2019
University of Glasgow: Adam Smith Business SchoolCorporate 09/06/2022
University of IdahoCorporate 01/02/2022
University of LethbridgeCorporate 01/06/2016
University of LynchburgCorporate 01/10/2021
University of Nebraska Alumni AssociationCorporate 01/06/2006
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, TheCorporate 01/01/2003
University of North TexasCorporate 04/04/2014
University of the Incarnate WordCorporate 01/05/2012
University of the West of ScotlandCorporate 03/01/2017
University of Trinity CollegeCorporate 10/05/2010
University PlaidFashion 01/01/1995
Unknown U.S. kiltOther01/01/2003
Unnamed (Cant) #1Fashion 01/01/1958
Unnamed (Cant) #10Fashion Not Specified
Unnamed (Cant) #6Fashion 01/01/1960
Unnamed (Cant) #8Fashion 01/01/1940
Unnamed 18th Century Plaid #3Other01/01/1750
Unnamed 18th century plaid (Carlisle Museum)Other01/01/1901
Unnamed 18th century plaid from RothiemurchusOther01/01/1750
Unnamed 19th Century PlaidOther01/01/1860
Unnamed C16/17th (Glen Affric)Other01/01/1625
Unnamed C18/19th #1OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18/19th #2OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18/19th (McNee)Other01/01/1815
Unnamed C18/19th - Antigonish (A)Other01/01/1885
Unnamed C18/19th - Antigonish (A) #2Other01/01/1885
Unnamed C18th #1OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18th #2Other01/01/1750
Unnamed C18th #3 (Strath Garry)Other01/01/1800
Unnamed C18th #4 (Duke of Perth)Other01/01/1800
Unnamed C18th - Hynde Cotton (Coat)Other01/01/1744
Unnamed C18th - Plaid (1770)Other01/01/1770
Unnamed C18th - Plaid (Christie's)OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18th - Plaid (Nethybridge)Other01/01/1750
Unnamed C18th - Plaid (Wilsons'?)Other01/01/1800
Unnamed C18th - Prince Charles Edward #2Other01/01/1745
Unnamed C18th - Prince Charles Edward #4Other01/01/1746
Unnamed C18th - S.UistOther01/01/1730
Unnamed C18th – Coat,OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18th – Hebridean #1OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18th – Hebridean #2OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18th – Hebridean #3OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18th – Hebridean #3District 01/01/2002
Unnamed C18th – Hebridean #4District Not Specified
Unnamed C18th – Hebridean #5Other01/01/1740
Unnamed C18th – Hebridean #6OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C18th – Plaid #2Corporate 01/01/1750
Unnamed C19th #1Other01/01/1814
Unnamed C19th #2Other01/01/1776
Unnamed C19th - (Christening Dress)OtherNot Specified
Unnamed C19th - Coat (Prince Charles Edward)Other01/01/1800
Unnamed C19th - Dress (HFM)Fashion 01/01/1850
Unnamed C19th - PlaidFashion 01/01/1978
Unnamed C19th - Plaid (Strathglass)Other01/01/1857
Unnamed C19th – a Plaid belonging to Flora MacDonaldOther01/01/1820
Unnamed C19th – Fancy Pattern #1Fashion Not Specified
Unnamed C19th – Plaid #3Name Not Specified
Unnamed C19th Fancy PatternFashion 01/01/1850
Unnamed C19th PlaidOther01/01/1875
Unnamed C20th #1Fashion 01/01/1997
Unnamed C20th #54Fashion 01/01/1994
Unnamed C20th (Hip Flask)Fashion 01/01/2005
Unnamed C20th (USA Fashion)Fashion 01/01/2002
Unnamed C20th - DressFashion 01/01/1980
Unnamed C20th - Teddy BearOther01/01/1995
Unnamed C21st - SkirtFashion 01/02/2010
Unnamed Green (Teddy Bear)Corporate 01/01/1997
Upper HunterDistrict 09/10/2018
UPS No.1Corporate 24/04/2009
UPS No.2Corporate 24/04/2009
UrbinoFashion 01/01/1983
Urquhart (Brydone)Clan/Family01/01/1862
Urquhart (Fashion)Fashion 01/01/1980
Urquhart (Logan)Clan/Family01/01/1831
Urquhart (White Line)Clan/Family01/01/1842
US Air Force Reserve Pipe BandMilitary 01/01/1988
US Army Civil AffairsMilitary 14/06/2010
US Consulate General EdinburghCorporate 30/11/2022
US Marine CorpsMilitary 01/01/1986
US Naval AcademyMilitary 20/02/2019
US Navy EdzellMilitary 01/01/1980
US Navy Seal FoundationMilitary 03/11/2016
USAFA United States Air force AcademyMilitary 23/08/2024
USCBP - Office of Field OperationsCorporate 12/12/2011
UtahDistrict 01/01/1997
Utah State UniversityCorporate 22/04/2013
Utah Valley UniversityCorporate 05/08/2016