The Scottish Register of Tartans

29 March 2025
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Your search has produced 210 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
E Clampus Vitus IncCorporate 19/01/2023
EachaidhName 28/10/2008
Eadem MensuraFashion 18/11/2022
EAIE 2015Corporate 18/05/2015
Earl Blue MarlFashion 01/05/2005
Earl of Forfar, TheRoyal01/07/2019
Earl of St. Andrews DressFashion 01/01/2002
Earle's FlameFashion 01/01/1972
EarthriseCommemorative 24/12/2013
East Carolina UniversityCorporate 01/11/2010
East Kilbride #1District 01/01/1990
East Kilbride #2District Not Specified
East LothianFashion 01/01/1999
East of Scotland Tartan ArmyCorporate 01/08/2005
East Tennessee State UniversityCorporate 01/09/2012
Easter ShianCorporate 24/10/2022
Eastern Kentucky UniversityCorporate 01/04/2014
Eastern Shore Police Emerald SocietyCorporate 09/01/2012
Eastern States Exposition-West SpringfieldCommemorative 15/12/2015
Eastern TownshipDistrict 01/01/1968
Eastern Western Motor Group, DalbraithCorporate 01/01/2002
Easton (2014)Name 26/08/2014
Ebdon-Muir (Personal)Name 25/02/2010
Ebert-Moran, Yasmin & Family (Personal)Name 22/02/2022
Ebronen (Personal)Name 01/01/2006
Eckford Johnson, D J (Personal)Name 20/03/2024
Edelstein (Personal)Name 01/01/2006
Edgar (2014)Name 01/04/2014
Edgar-FeyenCommemorative 01/05/2010
Edinburgh & Lothian Tourist BoardCorporate Not Specified
Edinburgh '86Corporate Not Specified
Edinburgh 900Corporate 15/04/2024
Edinburgh and Lothian Tourist BoardCorporate 01/01/1995
Edinburgh Bus ToursCorporate 22/07/2013
Edinburgh CrystalCorporate 01/01/1990
Edinburgh DistrictDistrict 01/01/1970
Edinburgh Dog & Cat HomeCorporate 01/11/2018
Edinburgh Dress (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1983
Edinburgh Fashion FestivalCorporate 04/06/2020
Edinburgh FestivalCorporate 01/01/1996
Edinburgh Festival FringeCorporate 01/01/2017
Edinburgh FireCorporate Not Specified
Edinburgh International Conference Centre 2022, TheCorporate 28/03/2022
Edinburgh International Conference Centre, TheCorporate 01/01/2002
Edinburgh International Film FestivalCommemorative 24/03/2016
Edinburgh Marathon FestivalCorporate 24/03/2017
Edinburgh MarketingCorporate 01/01/2002
Edinburgh Military Tattoo (Dance)Military 01/01/1982
Edinburgh Military Tattoo 50thMilitary Not Specified
Edinburgh Military Tattoo DressMilitary Not Specified
Edinburgh MonarchsCorporate 01/01/2002
Edinburgh Napier UniversityCorporate 17/02/2009
Edinburgh RugbyCorporate 02/12/2022
Edinburgh TICCorporate Not Specified
Edinburgh Zoo Panda, TheCommemorative 13/10/2011
Edinburgh, City ofDistrict 01/10/1997
Edinburgh, The University ofCorporate 15/07/2007
Edinburgh’s HogmanayCorporate 01/10/2017
Edmonstone of DuntreathClan/Family21/02/2011
Edmonton Firefighters Pipes and DrumsCorporate 22/09/2017
Edmonton Scottish SocietyCorporate 03/03/2021
Edmonton Scottish Society DressCorporate 09/03/2021
Edmonton, City ofDistrict 01/01/1977
Educational and Training ServicesMilitary 31/01/2021
Educational Institute of ScotlandCorporate 10/12/2021
Edward Bransfield CommemorativeCommemorative 22/03/2018
EdwardsName 01/01/2000
Eeraerts, Laurent (Personal)Name 06/10/2016
EglingtonFashion 01/01/2002
EglintonDistrict 01/01/1707
EH4 Wine SocietyCorporate 28/10/2022
Ehrle, B (Personal)Name 14/10/2018
Eichelberger Family, Jörg (Personal)Name 09/03/2012
EidartFashion 01/01/1980
Eildon (1980)Fashion 01/01/1980
Eildon (1996)Fashion 01/01/1996
EinigkeitFashion 19/10/2013
EireDistrict 01/01/1994
Eirinn CaraideanCorporate 01/01/2018
El Dorado Hills Firefighters Pipes and DrumsCorporate 24/02/2012
El-Ahl, Jad & Kelly, Elhana - Wedding (Personal)Name 01/05/2024
El-Erian, Anna & Family (Personal)Name 18/06/2021
Elbrick Dress (Personal)Name 01/12/2001
Elbrick Hunting (Personal)Name 01/12/2004
elCorteCorporate 07/07/2013
Eldridge, Lance M (Personal)Name 01/02/2021
EleftheriaFashion 16/07/2020
Elements of Endurance – AirFashion 01/01/2020
Elements of Endurance – EarthFashion 01/01/2020
Elements of Endurance – FireFashion 01/01/2020
Elements of Endurance – WaterFashion 01/01/2020
ElfFashion 25/11/2018
ElginFashion 01/01/1988
Elgin City BandCorporate 01/04/2004
Elgin-LandshutCorporate 01/04/1997
Eljamel, Sam (Personal)Name 01/01/2015
Elkmont Game Day CollectionFashion 22/12/2023
Ellan VanninDistrict 01/01/1985
Ellan Vannin (1958)District 01/01/1958
ElleneeName 01/11/2006
Elliott, Lynn & Family (Personal)Name 12/08/2020
EllisName 01/01/2000
Ellis IslandDistrict 06/02/2011
Ellis-Bain, Evan (Personal)Name 01/01/2023
Ellis-Bain, Evan Hunting (Personal)Name 16/02/2023
Elmore (Personal)Name 01/07/2001
Elric, R & C and Family (Personal)Name 19/12/2022
Elsa DanceFashion 13/01/2014
ElvanFashion 01/01/1984
Elwyn Glen (Scottish Borders)Corporate 01/01/1996
Elystan Glodrydd (Welsh Tribe)Corporate 20/04/2012
EMAC 2018Other25/01/2017
Embrace, TheFashion 01/01/1972
Embroiderers' GuildCorporate 06/03/2020
Emerald Coast TributeFashion 11/02/2017
Emerald, TheFashion 01/01/1972
Emergency Medical Services Memorial TartanCorporate 09/06/2009
Emily JoubertCorporate 18/07/2023
Emma BasicCorporate 26/11/2021
Emmanuel College (University of Queensland)Corporate 25/08/2017
Emond, Kenneth (Personal)Name 09/05/2016
Emperor PenguinFashion 15/03/2025
Empire Golf CheckCorporate 01/01/2004
ENABLE ScotlandCorporate 09/04/2014
Encyclopaedia BritannicaCorporate 01/01/1989
Engelhardt (2017)Name 14/09/2017
Englehart, City ofDistrict 01/01/1958
English German HeritageFashion 05/05/2022
Englund, Paul (Personal)Name 04/04/2018
Engquist, D and Family (Personal)Name 08/09/2021
Enoch, L, Pontsticill (Personal)Name 28/02/2023
Ensemble Pour L'AvenirDistrict 01/01/1998
Ensign of OntarioFashion 01/01/1968
Enterkin-Kelly, Suzanne & Peter (Personal)Name 24/10/2024
EntierCorporate 20/01/2016
Entre Rios Province (ProvisionalDistrict 01/01/2007
EntrelacsDistrict 01/01/2006
Entrepreneurial SparkCorporate 13/11/2013
Episcopal ClergyCorporate 01/01/1996
Equity Vision LtdCorporate 13/10/2015
Equorian OlympicCommemorative 01/01/1988
Erck, Georges van (Personal),Name 07/02/2013
Ergo ClubCorporate 01/11/2018
Eric Liddell CommemorativeCommemorative 11/05/2023
Erskine (Black and White)Clan/Family01/01/1980
Erskine (MacGregor-Hastie)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Erskine (Paton)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Erskine (Red)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Erskine GreenClan/FamilyNot Specified
Erskine HuntingMilitary 01/01/1948
Erskine Purple (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1980
Erskine VeteransCommemorative 01/04/2006
Erskine, BlueOtherNot Specified
Erskine, Blue (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2002
Erskine, GreyName Not Specified
ErticoCorporate 10/02/2016
EspanaDistrict 01/01/1997
Esprit du QuébecFashion 01/10/2019
Essence of HarrisCorporate 24/09/2017
Essex County (Ontario)District 01/01/1983
ESSKA Congress 2018Corporate 28/10/2016
Esteba-Quer (Personal)Name 01/01/2000
EstesName 01/01/1986
Eternal 'Ericht', TheOther08/07/2021
Eternity, Dedicated 2 WeddingsFashion 01/02/2010
EthiopiaFashion 13/05/2008
EthosEnergyCorporate 14/09/2015
Etihad AirwaysCorporate 19/02/2015
Etive BurgundyFashion Not Specified
Ettrick (District)District 01/01/1900
Ettrick (Fashion)Fashion 01/01/2002
Ettrick ForestDistrict 01/01/1995
Euler HermesCorporate 20/02/2014
EuphoriaFashion 20/02/2007
Eurasian Otter (Dòbhran Eurasian)Fashion 11/04/2020
Euro AlbaCorporate 04/06/2019
EurodollarCorporate 14/08/2023
Europa ClipperCorporate Not Specified
EuropeanFashion 01/01/2000
European Congress of Immunology 2012Corporate 08/08/2012
European UnionFashion 27/02/1998
EusaDistrict 03/02/2010
Eva, Edward (Personal)Name 13/12/2018
Evans of WalesName 01/01/2002
Evans, Keith F T (Personal)Name 12/08/2024
Evaristo da Costa, Carlos (Personal)Name 26/09/2018
Evening Star Blues (Lodge 1719)Corporate 14/11/2022
Ever Forward, Ever OnwardCorporate 28/02/2019
EvergreenFashion 01/01/1978
Everington, Anthony (Personal)Name 12/09/2018
Everington, Anthony Dress (Personal)Name 22/09/2018
EwbankName 01/05/2002
Ewell Castle SchoolCorporate 09/07/2014
ExabyteCorporate 01/06/1996
ExoTechCorporate 16/06/2020
Experience ScotlandCorporate 18/04/2017
Exploration of TitanOther14/06/2018
Explorers Club, TheCorporate 04/10/2021
Eynon of WalesName 01/01/2002
Eynon, R K & Family (Personal)Name 04/03/2020
Eyre (Personal)Name 01/01/1963