The Scottish Register of Tartans

29 March 2025
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Your search has produced 103 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
V&A DundeeCorporate 09/11/2022
ValarisCorporate 01/10/2021
Valdres, Kvam & VangDistrict 01/01/2002
Valdres, Kvam & Vang #2District Not Specified
Valdres, Kvam & Vang #3District 01/01/1850
Vale of Leven AcademyCorporate 27/01/2020
Valecha, Ajay (Personal)Name 12/02/2023
ValenciaCommemorative Not Specified
Valley Forge Pipe BandCorporate 01/01/2002
Valley GoonOther14/08/2017
Valley of the GreenDistrict 01/01/1968
Valley of the Green #2Fashion 01/09/1973
Vallon, M & Family (Personal)Name 09/08/2022
ValourCorporate 23/02/2010
Van Cleemput, Marcel (Personal)Name 05/10/2017
Van den Broeck, W (Personal)Name 16/05/2022
van den Hurck, Nico-Jan & Family (Personal)Name 17/10/2023
van den Hurck, Nico-Jan & Family Hunting (Personal)Name 27/03/2023
van Duursen, Egbert, & Family (Personal)Name 18/10/2019
van Eijk, Martijn & Family (Personal)Name 30/11/2022
Van Hagen, J (Personal)Name 28/10/2024
Van Ingelgem Dress (Personal)Name 01/01/2007
Van Ingelgem Hunting (Personal)Name 01/01/2008
Van Loo (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
van Mourik, J P & Family (Personal)Name 25/07/2023
Van Ritchie (2017)Name 12/04/2016
Vancouver CentennialCommemorative 01/01/1991
Vandezande, B & I and Family (Personal)Name 14/04/2021
Vanhoudt, Patrick & Family (Personal)Name 23/10/2023
VarenneFashion 01/01/2002
Varholy, D J (Personal)Name 06/01/2022
VarrieName 20/11/2009
Vashi, Milan & Sneddon, Charlotte - Wedding (Personal)Name 10/03/2023
Vasquez, Jossie & Family (Personal)Name 30/05/2021
Vass (Personal)Name 01/07/2002
Vasseur Mignon (Personal)Name 21/03/2013
Vaughan (Welsh Series)Name 01/01/2004
VeereDistrict 01/10/1999
VeganFashion 31/05/2019
Veitch, H & Family (Personal)Name 26/10/2020
Veitch, H & Family Hunting (Personal)Name 14/05/2022
Veltman-West (Personal)Name 07/06/2017
VeMMACorporate 23/07/2012
Venters (Edinburgh)Name 03/01/2011
Verble (Personal)Name 01/03/2005
VerdonFashion 01/01/1970
VermontDistrict 01/01/1994
Vermont DressDistrict 01/01/1996
VeronFashion 01/01/1974
VersaCold/AtlasCorporate Not Specified
Verselder, K & Family (Personal)Name 15/11/2023
VetoclockCorporate 12/08/2013
Vicente, Oscar Silva & Family (Personal)Name 22/09/2020
Victoria (1838)Fashion 01/01/1838
Victoria (Variant) #1Fashion Not Specified
Victoria State (Australia)District 01/11/1998
Victoria, City of (British Columbia)District 01/01/1991
Victoria, County of (Texas, USA)District 01/01/1986
Victorian Highland Pipe Band Association (Australia)Corporate 04/05/2014
VictoryCorporate 25/09/2009
Victory - The American Revolution MuseumOther09/01/2025
View from BennachieFashion 01/07/2018
Viking HeritageFashion 10/10/2021
Viking LegacyFashion 11/07/2024
Vilario (Personal)Name 01/03/2006
Vilaro-Thomas (Personal)Name 01/02/2008
Ville de BeauportDistrict 01/02/1991
Ville de Sainte-JulieDistrict 01/07/2017
Vince Bel MoriCorporate 26/01/2019
VincentFashion 01/01/2002
Vincere Ad AstraFashion 01/01/2024
Vine (2015)Name 08/09/2015
Vinson, Kevin A (Personal)Name 16/01/2020
Vinther, Niels Christian (Personal)Name 03/05/2016
Viola, D & Family (Personal)Name 23/12/2024
Vipont (White line)Clan/Family01/01/1930
Vipont (Yellow line)Clan/Family01/01/1930
VirginCorporate 28/11/2001
Virgin OneCorporate 01/12/2001
Virginia (USA)District Not Specified
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityCorporate 01/03/2014
Virginia International Tattoo HixonCorporate 09/12/2013
Virginia Military Institute, New MarketMilitary 01/09/1996
Virginia QuadricentennialCommemorative 05/10/2003
Virginia TechCorporate 01/03/2008
VirtuosoCorporate 09/09/2009
Visit ScotlandCorporate 01/05/2003
Visser, Daniel & Family (Personal)Name 26/09/2020
Vogelsang, Peter (Personal)Name 14/12/2021
VolcanoFashion 01/07/2017
Volkswagen Orange TrimFashion 01/02/2008
Voluntary Service AberdeenCorporate 01/08/2006
von Feilitzsch, F (Personal)Name 29/06/2023
von Goble, Brant (Personal)Name 08/07/2023
von Prondzynski (2016)Name 16/07/2016
Vonarb, Alfred (Personal)Name 16/02/2016
Vonau-Nasso, Nicolas & Camille (Personal)Name 25/04/2024
Voorhout, Gary & Sylvia and Family (Personal)Name 23/09/2019
Vorwerk, TheCorporate 12/01/2011
Vos, Hans J & Family (Personal)Name 18/06/2021
Voya Chairman’s Circle 2019Corporate 01/04/2019