The Scottish Register of Tartans

29 March 2025
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Your search has produced 311 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
Tabar, Matthew & Family (Personal)Name 15/10/2005
Tabili, M & L and Bianchi, C & Family (Personal)Name 07/12/2021
TACCCorporate 01/04/2010
Tache, Sir Etienne PaschalCommemorative 01/01/2002
Tache, Sir Etienne Paschal #2Commemorative 01/01/2002
TaggartName 08/04/2002
Tahrir (Liberation)Fashion 18/08/2011
Taiheiyo Club, Inc.Corporate 22/12/2014
Tainsh (2016)Name 30/06/2016
Tait #1Clan/Family01/01/2003
Tait #2Clan/Family01/01/1982
Tait, I (Personal)Name 04/01/2021
Taiwan ScottishCommemorative 15/12/2010
TakaDistrict 24/05/2019
Takaoka YEG - Ichinomiya YEGCorporate 22/09/2018
Takashimaya Dm RoseFashion 01/12/2006
Takimoto EthicalCorporate 24/05/2018
Takimoto SchoolsCorporate 07/09/2017
Takla Makan #2OtherNot Specified
Takla Makan (Red)OtherNot Specified
Takusan no FushigiOther15/08/2018
TaliskerCorporate 24/03/2016
Talisker, Alexander & Johnson, Sarah - Wedding (Personal)Name 24/07/2017
TalismanFashion 01/01/1981
Tall ShipsOther14/03/2017
TalladaleFashion 01/01/2002
Tamba Sasayama SayasaneOther03/10/2017
Tamba Sasayama AikanOther03/10/2017
Tamba Sasayama SaisaiOther03/10/2017
Tamba Sasayama SasatanOther03/10/2017
Tamba Sasayama SatogiriOther03/10/2017
Tamer of WolvesFashion 17/12/2012
Tantallon Golf ClubCorporate 01/07/2005
Tanya Horne DanceCorporate 15/03/2019
TanzaniaFashion 26/10/2007
TaplinName 01/01/2003
Tarassow Russian ScoutCorporate Not Specified
Tarbat Discovery CentreCorporate 03/09/2024
Tarbh Deargh (Red Bull)Corporate 01/09/2001
Tartan ArmyCorporate 01/03/1997
Tartan Army WhiskyCorporate 18/12/2013
Tartan Day SACorporate 07/07/2009
Tartan Day Society of Washington State, TheCorporate Not Specified
Tartan Day SouthCorporate 12/03/2019
Tartan de LongueuilDistrict 01/01/2007
Tartan Explorer, TheCorporate 29/01/2016
Tartan SpiritCorporate 01/01/2008
Tartan TangerineCorporate 01/09/2000
Tartan TerrorsCorporate 01/03/2020
Tartan TVCorporate 15/10/2001
TartaniaCorporate 10/06/2024
Tartans & CieCorporate 15/04/2019
TasmanianDistrict 01/01/1988
Tau-Taurini (Provisional) (Personal)Name 01/01/2007
Tauck, IncCorporate 21/08/2024
Taveau, Sebastien (Personal)Name 08/02/2019
Taveau, Sebastien Dress (Personal)Name 08/02/2019
Taylor DressFashion 01/01/1983
Taylor Dress #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Taylor, Anthony & Family (Personal)Name 12/12/2022
Taylor, Anthony (Personal)Name 12/12/2022
Taylor, Nik & Family (Personal)Name 07/06/2020
Taylor, Randall Lennox & Family (Personal)Name 17/11/2020
Tayside PoliceCorporate Not Specified
Teaghlach CòmhlaFashion 22/06/2022
Teaghlach TaghtaOther11/02/2021
Teague-McHugh, D J (Personal)Name 05/10/2021
Teall of TeallachClan/FamilyNot Specified
Teallach (Personal)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Team No SleepFashion 01/02/2023
Team Rubicon USACorporate 13/01/2017
Teddy BearFashion 27/07/2019
Teddy Bear 111th AnniversaryCorporate 09/09/2013
Teirney (Estimated threadcount)Fashion 01/01/2005
Tejeda, TJ and M (Personal)Name 31/01/2025
TelferName 24/09/2009
Telfer GreenName 25/09/2009
Telfer, Brian William (Personal)Name 11/01/2015
Telfer, Jamie of the Fair DodheadFashion 24/11/2009
Templar Grand Priory USACorporate 01/01/2005
Tenmaya CheckFashion 01/01/1996
TennantClan/FamilyNot Specified
Tennant #2Clan/Family01/01/1950
Tennant (Yules)Clan/Family01/01/2002
Tennant Transport ForthCorporate 22/12/2016
Tennent from StrathavenName Not Specified
TennesseeDistrict 01/01/1999
Tennessee StateDistrict 01/01/1999
Tennessee Technological UniversityCorporate 21/04/2014
Tennessee VolunteerCorporate 01/04/2004
Tenon ToursCorporate 01/12/2013
ter Haar, M & Family (Personal)Name 10/02/2021
Tern HouseFashion 10/02/2015
Terra SchoolCorporate 24/08/2017
Terre D'EcosseFashion 01/03/2000
Terre De'EcosseCorporate 01/01/2000
Terre Haute Lodge No. 19Corporate 15/12/2015
Teufel HundenFashion 01/11/2018
TeviotdaleDistrict 01/01/1996
Texas BluebonnetDistrict 01/01/1983
Texas Christian UniversityCorporate 06/04/2018
Texas Lone StarFashion 10/10/2012
Texas TanCorporate 23/08/2017
Texas Woman's UniversityCorporate 01/04/2019
Teylu Coleman (Cornwall)Name 10/03/2013
Thain Dress #1Name 01/01/1940
Thatcher (2017)Name 05/11/2017
Thayer USAName 05/12/2009
The McAlbourneCorporate 04/09/2009
The Red HackleCommemorative 01/10/2009
The SassenachFashion 14/02/2018
The Sassenach - First LoveFashion 14/02/2019
The Trew 40thName 01/05/2009
Thimble FarmOther25/12/2023
Thin Blue Line UKFashion 06/11/2015
Thinbluelineuk CompatriotsFashion 10/02/2017
Think Pink (ICF)Corporate 01/01/2002
Think Purple (2025)Corporate 11/02/2025
ThirkillName 01/01/2000
Thirkill (Dalgliesh)Clan/Family01/01/2004
Thistle and Kudzu Scottish SocietyCorporate 01/09/2010
Thistle DubhFashion 01/01/2002
Thistle EmeraldFashion 25/01/2016
Thistle of ScotlandFashion 01/01/2000
Thistle Stop LLCCorporate 01/03/2003
Thom, Calum (Personal)Name 19/07/2015
Thomas Jefferson 1776Other04/12/2024
Thomas McGurranCorporate 04/06/2016
Thomas Newcomen's Combustion EngineFashion 03/04/2013
Thomas of WalesName 01/01/2002
Thomas, baron of Craigie, Robert (Personal)Name 13/09/2011
Thomas, Jean Marc (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
Thomas, Robert E (Personal)Name 08/08/2018
Thompson (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2002
Thompson (J.C.'s Fancy) (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Thompson (Pendleton)Fashion 01/01/2002
Thompson BlackFashion Not Specified
Thompson Grey DressFashion 01/01/1984
Thompson VariantClan/Family01/01/2002
Thompson, D.C. (Personal)Name 01/05/1998
Thompson, GreyClan/FamilyNot Specified
Thompson, Megan Kate (Personal)Name 15/04/2016
Thompson/Thomson/MacTavish special greyClan/Family01/01/2003
Thomson (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/1965
Thomson CamelFashion 01/01/1990
Thomson Camel (Jedburgh Mill)Fashion 01/01/1970
Thomson Dress (Blue)Clan/Family01/01/1965
Thomson Dress (Grey)Fashion Not Specified
Thomson, Reona Ellen (Personal)Name 23/02/2015
Thorburn (1992)Name 01/01/1992
Thorburn (Lochcarron)Clan/Family01/01/2000
Thormanby Buccaneer BayDistrict 02/06/2010
Thousand IslandsDistrict Not Specified
Three Figures of a Mabou Square SetFashion 04/07/2021
ThunderbirdMilitary 01/04/2024
Thunderlord (Celtic Group, USA)Corporate 23/07/2011
Tiesset, Alexandre & Martineau, Elise - Wedding (Personal)Name 08/07/2023
TigerFashion 16/12/2011
Tiger of SwedenCorporate 15/03/2013
Tigh CladaichOther01/05/2024
TilburgDistrict Not Specified
Tilburg HuntingDistrict Not Specified
Tilley, Sir Samuel LeonardCommemorative 01/01/2002
TIlted KiltCorporate 15/03/2006
TimespanCorporate 01/01/2002
Timmins (2013)Name 09/11/2010
Timmons, Jacob (Personal)Name 21/01/2025
Timmons, James (Personal)Name 20/10/2020
TindalName 01/01/1998
Tinkler, Andrew (Stobart Group)Corporate 07/12/2009
Tinkoff BankCorporate 25/12/2016
Tipperary County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Tipperary, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996
TireeFashion 01/01/2002
Tiree GreyFashion 01/01/2002
Tiree TurquoiseFashion Not Specified
TitanicCommemorative 01/01/1999
TitaniumFashion 23/02/2013
TNPCorporate 06/03/2023
To, W H & Family (Personal)Name 29/11/2024
Tobias (Houston Kiltmakers)Corporate 25/08/2023
Toga HeritageCorporate 22/07/2016
Tokai SagamiCorporate 01/06/2021
TokharionFashion 01/01/1999
Tokyo Bluebells (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1997
Tokyogakkan High SchoolCorporate 15/05/2019
TolmieName 07/12/2015
Tom Morris (Official)Corporate 22/08/2012
Tomatin DistilleryCorporate 17/02/2016
Tomberlin, Roger L and McGrogan, Laura Jean & Family (Personal)Name 28/06/2023
Tombow 140th Anniversary, TheCorporate 12/01/2015
Tombow 150th Anniversary, TheCorporate 08/02/2024
Tombow 21st School MemorialCorporate 01/01/2000
TommyCorporate 01/01/2001
TomomiFashion 14/02/2014
Tomzik, Kamil & Family (Personal)Name 29/05/2019
Tong, Ki Wa and Family (Personal)Name 24/01/2024
Toorak ChaplerFashion 13/09/2011
Tooth (Personal)Name 01/01/1980
ToranaFashion 01/01/2008
Toronto Blue JaysCorporate 01/01/1996
Toronto Crown & Bridge Study ClubCorporate 28/04/2024
Toronto Fire ServicesCorporate Not Specified
Torrance, J & Family (Personal)Name 01/10/2024
Torrance-Shahid, M & Family (Personal)Name 13/08/2024
Torridon BurgundyFashion Not Specified
Torridon CherryFashion Not Specified
Torridon Royal BlueFashion Not Specified
Torridon SaphireFashion Not Specified
Torridon TweedCorporate Not Specified
Torridon, TheCorporate 14/03/2025
TotalCorporate 10/09/1999
Totté (from Hofstade de Baerebeeck) (Personal)Name 22/01/2013
Totté (from Hofstade de Baerebeeck) Dress (Personal)Name 20/01/2013
Toucan of Scotland DragonflyFashion 23/07/2019
Toucan of Scotland UnicornFashion 23/07/2019
Tough (Personal)Name 01/01/1998
Tough, Stanley William (Personal)Name 15/02/2021
Tourapy ClassicCorporate 13/04/2023
Town of Hammond, NYDistrict 01/02/2025
Town of KingsvilleDistrict 02/03/2021
Town of Kirkland LakeCommemorative 01/09/1960
Town of PetawawaDistrict 15/02/2016
Town Of SearsportDistrict 01/10/2024
Townsend, David James & Family (Personal)Name 22/12/2022
Toyokawa CheckCorporate 01/12/2004
Trades HouseCorporate 01/01/1997
Trading Bay Grouse and Trout ClubCorporate 01/03/2024
TrafalgarFashion 01/01/1988
Traill (Personal)Clan/Family24/08/2002
Travelling the RoadFashion 22/09/2017
Traynelis, Jana & Jewett, Jason - Wedding (Personal)Name 09/09/2022
Tremblay, J Stephan and Family (Personal)Name 04/03/2025
TrevisonFashion 01/01/2003
Triad Highland Games ProposedCorporate 01/02/2003
TribalCorporate 01/08/2003
Tribal #2Corporate 01/01/2000
Tribute to Belgian Air ForceMilitary 01/02/2025
Tricolour SpiritFashion 07/04/2021
TricorCorporate 01/05/2003
TricotisseCorporate 16/08/2016
Trillard (Personal)Clan/Family01/11/2003
Trinder, Svend and Patricia & Family (Personal)Name 18/11/2021
Trinity BicyclesCorporate 05/03/2010
Trinity Presbyterian ChurchCorporate 01/06/2006
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Little RockCorporate 13/09/2017
Triplett, Jack ArnoldName 11/02/2012
Trolland, G & Family (Personal)Name 29/09/2023
TrostCorporate 01/01/2002
Trotter (Personal)Name 01/09/2008
Trujillo Jiménez, Felipe (Personal)Name 12/07/2018
Trujillo, A & Family (Personal)Name 06/04/2022
Trzaska, Joshua (Personal)Name 28/12/2019
Tschischka, Sabine and Marcus (Personal)Name 13/12/2016
Tsukuba ShueiCorporate 21/08/2017
Tuckwood, A & Family (Personal)Name 13/09/2022
TukkerclanCorporate 01/10/2017
Tulchan Club & EstateCorporate 01/12/2017
Tullis RussellCorporate 1/1/2009
Tulloch (2017)Name 01/09/2017
Tulloch HomesCorporate 01/10/1998
Tulloch, A W (Personal)Name 10/11/2018
Tulloch, Frank & Family (Personal)Name 24/01/2022
Tully, Andrew Michael & Family (Personal)Name 30/03/2016
Tulsa, City ofDistrict 01/01/1978
Tuluhungwa, G & Family (Personal)Name 07/06/2024
Tune HotelsCorporate 04/09/2012
Tupper, John Charles (Personal)Name 01/01/2014
Tupper, Sir CharlesCommemorative 01/01/2002
Turblin, Jean Pierre (Personal)Name 04/11/2016
Turblin, Jean Pierre and Family (Personal)Name 22/09/2022
Turcan ConnellCorporate 01/11/2005
Turdus merula - The Common BlackbirdFashion 18/08/1959
Turin CastleCorporate Not Specified
TurnberryDistrict 01/01/1978
Turnberry (MacArthur)Fashion 01/01/1981
Turnberry ScotlandCorporate 04/02/2013
Turnbull DressClan/Family01/01/1980
Turnbull HuntingClan/FamilyNot Specified
Turnbull Hunting (1983) #2Clan/Family01/01/1983
Turnbull of Thornton (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
Turnbull, Dress Bruce (Personal)Name Not Specified
Turner (Personal)Name 01/01/2004
Turner, Cristina & Peter (Personal)Name 22/05/2024
Turner, Hayley (Personal)Name 11/10/2021
Turner, Mark Thomas, Killerby (Personal)Name 22/02/2019
Twechar VillageDistrict 13/02/2019
TweedbankCorporate 30/07/2002
Tweedmouth Middle SchoolCorporate 30/07/2002
Tweedside HuntingDistrict 01/01/1968
Tweedside RedDistrict 01/01/1840
Tweedsmuir Dress (Dance)Fashion Not Specified
TwempyFashion 10/08/2002
Twenty First CenturyFashion 01/01/1995
TwilfitCorporate 30/06/2014
Twisted Kilt SocietyCorporate 15/10/2015
TyndrumDistrict 01/01/1983
Tynecastle ParkCorporate 01/10/2017
Tyneside Scottish (Blue)Military 01/01/1914
Tyneside Scottish (Green)District 01/01/1914
Tyneside Scottish (Khaki)District 01/01/1914
Tyrconnell (Personal)Name 01/01/1998
Tyrone County, Crest RangeDistrict 01/05/2005
Tyrone, CountyDistrict 01/01/1996