The Scottish Register of Tartans

29 March 2025
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Your search has produced 144 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
J & B Whisky (Original)Corporate 01/01/2003
Jack Sinclair (Personal)Name 01/01/1977
Jack, John (Fife) (Personal)Name 01/09/2012
Jackonis, Michael & Family (Personal)Name 28/11/2022
Jackson (Personal)Name 22/02/2004
Jackson, D & Family (Personal)Name 27/11/2020
Jacobite #2Corporate Not Specified
Jacobite - 1850Other01/01/1850
Jacobite Dress #1Corporate Not Specified
Jacobite, OldOther01/01/1850
Jacovides, Michael (Personal)Name 30/10/2018
Jacques, Ian & Family (Personal)Name 25/10/2024
Jaeggi, P J & Family (Personal)Name 01/08/2020
JAHAMA Highland EstatesCorporate 10/09/2018
Jahn, F C (Personal)Name 25/12/2008
Jamaican NationalDistrict 08/11/2011
James (Personal)Name 01/10/1997
James of Glencarr (Personal)Name Not Specified
James of WalesName 01/01/2002
James Watt CommemorativeCommemorative 11/03/2019
James, Bryan (Personal)Name 13/10/2018
Janikowski, Adam & Family (Personal)Name 12/10/2022
Janikowski, Adam & Family Hunting (Personal)Name 13/10/2022
Japan Scotland Association, TheCorporate 10/04/2019
Japan–Scotland Society, TheCorporate 01/04/2005
Japanese CherryFashion 26/07/2021
Jardine #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Jardine DressClan/Family01/01/1991
Jardine of CastlemilkClan/FamilyNot Specified
Jarosz, Andrew Leslie, baron of Kirkliston (Personal)Name 01/12/2005
Jarvie, A and Family (Personal)Name 06/08/2021
Jauch, R & Family (Personal)Name 04/12/2019
Jáudenes, Antonio de & Family (Personal)Name 12/11/2020
Jaunaux, L & Family (Personal)Name 29/04/2021
Java Saint Andrew Society DressCorporate 01/09/2000
Java Saint Andrew Society HuntingCorporate 05/07/2001
Java St Andrew Society huntingCorporate 19/06/2001
JavelinCorporate 28/01/2025
JCM CustomsCorporate 15/02/2015
JD the Siamese CatFashion 11/04/2022
JedforestDistrict 01/01/1996
Jefferson (Personal)Name 01/01/2004
Jekyll IslandDistrict 15/08/2018
Jempson-MacDonald, C & C (Personal)Name Not Specified
Jenkins of WalesName 01/01/2002
JennersCommemorative 30/05/2018
Jensen, R & A and Family (Personal)Name 09/10/2023
Jensen, Sven (Personal)Name 01/05/2011
Jeromson, S (Personal)Name 28/06/2021
JetBlue, Born of QueensCorporate 02/04/2024
JetBlue, MintedCorporate 02/04/2024
JethartDistrict 01/01/1996
Jeux Canada Games '87Corporate Not Specified
Jewel Look JTBCorporate 01/10/2002
Jewell of Kernow (Personal)Name Not Specified
JewishCorporate Not Specified
Jiang, V & Cumine, A (Personal)Name 29/07/2019
Joass, William (Personal)Name 09/03/2019
JoCo CruiseCorporate 15/10/2018
Jodi Williams (Personal)Name 26/10/2009
Joe Strummer CommemorativeCommemorative 21/08/2012
Joffraud, Yann (Personal)Name 14/10/2022
Joglekar, Mihir Shrirang and Family (Personal)Name 24/09/2022
Johannesburg EMS Pipe BandCorporate 10/02/2019
Johansson (Aneby, Sweden), Christian (Personal)Name 06/07/2011
Johansson, Joakim & Family (Personal)Name 28/04/2021
Johansson, Joakim & Family Dress (Personal)Name 12/12/2020
Johansson, Joakim & Family Hunting (Personal)Name 15/04/2021
Johansson, Joakim (Personal)Name 25/01/2020
Johansson, Joakim Dress (Personal)Name 09/04/2021
John HancockCorporate 20/04/2022
John Muir CommemorativeCommemorative 01/01/1998
John Muir WayCommemorative 13/03/2014
John Smedley LimitedCorporate 06/05/2021
Johnnie Walker (1985)Corporate 01/01/1985
Johnnie Walker (2003)Corporate 01/09/2003
Johns, R and Family (Personal)Name 08/12/2022
Johnson, Bradley P & Gayle L (Personal)Name 19/01/2017
Johnson, Bradley P & Gayle L Dress (Personal)Name 19/01/2017
Johnson, J.M.Commemorative 01/01/1967
Johnson, N & D and Family (Personal)Name 04/03/2025
Johnson, Richard and Family (Personal)Name 08/11/2023
Johnston Dress (Dalgleish)Clan/Family01/01/2002
Johnston Orange/BlackCorporate 01/01/1945
Johnston, Diana Dress (Personal)Name 12/11/2014
Johnston, Diana Hunting (Personal)Name 11/11/2014
Johnston, Timothy (Personal)Name 12/11/2018
Johnstone/JohnstonClan/FamilyNot Specified
Johnstons of Elgin BicentennialCorporate 01/01/1997
JohoreDistrict 01/01/1880
Johore RegimentMilitary 01/01/1930
Joicey, North (Personal)Name 17/05/2017
Joker, TheFashion 01/01/2005
Jon's ThemeFashion 17/04/2012
Jones (2016)Name 16/06/2016
Jones HuntingName Not Specified
Jones of WalesName 01/01/2002
Jones, Alexander Michael (Personal)Name 14/10/2015
Jones, Philip, Killernie (Personal)Name 08/03/2022
Jones-MacGregorName 24/10/2012
Jong Nederland Born Union, DressCorporate 01/01/2000
Jordan, James (Personal)Name 14/03/2018
Jordan, James Hunting (Personal)Name 28/05/2020
Jordan, James, Cornwall (Hunting) (Personal)Name 28/05/2020
Jordan, James, Cornwall (Personal)Name 14/03/2018
Jordanhill SchoolCorporate 25/02/2019
Joseph Linn Family (Monohon 2012) (Personal)Name 04/10/2012
Josse (Bro Sant Malo), Gilbert (Personal)Name 04/04/2011
Jouy (La Chapelle Saint Sulpice) (Personal)Name 04/05/2013
Joy's Fancy, Allen (Personal)Name Not Specified
Joyce (Alexander & Thomas) Families’ AssociationOther16/07/2018
Joyce, Thomas and Alexander (Personal)Name 13/06/2018
Joyce, Thomas and Alexander Hunting (Personal)Name 06/08/2018
JR1404T FenFashion 04/08/2023
JR1405T StormFashion 04/08/2023
JR1406T DuskFashion 04/08/2023
JR1407T BrambleFashion 04/08/2023
Jrgensen of Taasingee (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/2006
JubilationCommemorative 01/01/1977
Jubilee, South Canterbury Centre Piping & Dancing AssociationCorporate 01/01/1989
Juchter (Personal)Name Not Specified
Judique SpiritFashion 16/10/2020
Judique Spirit Fall/WinterFashion 16/10/2020
JudoScotlandCorporate 21/12/2017
Juliano, G & Family (Personal)Name 07/06/2020
Junior Chamber InternationalCorporate 01/01/1994
Junor (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
Jupiter Shop Channel Co LtdCorporate 02/02/2013
Jura MistFashion 23/05/2023
Justerini & BrooksCorporate 01/01/2002
Justus #2 (Personal)Name 01/01/1990
Justus (Personal)Name 01/01/1990
Justus Black & Gold (Angus) (Personal)Name 01/01/1999
Justus Check (Personal)Name 01/01/1999
Justus Dress (Personal)Name 01/01/1990
Justus Hunting (Personal)Name 01/01/1990
Justus International (Personal)Fashion 01/01/1982
Justus Yellow & Black (Personal)Name 01/01/2004
Jute, Jam & JournalismOther23/08/2017