The Scottish Register of Tartans

26 March 2025
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Your search has produced 563 resuls. To view more information on any of the tartans below, simply click on a tartan name.

Tartan NameCategoryDesign Date
H.M.S. DUNCANCommemorative 10/08/2010
Habikino J HeritageOther08/04/2024
Habikino W HeritageOther08/04/2024
HabroCorporate Not Specified
Hackett William (Coatbridge) Hunting (Personal)Name 05/12/2011
Hackett, William (Coatbridge) (Personal)Name 05/12/2011
Hackston (Green stripe) or HalkerstonOther01/01/1746
Hadden, M & Family (Personal)Name 06/11/2019
Haddock, Jason & Family (Personal)Name 27/08/2022
Haddrell (2013)Name 15/08/2013
Hafren (Personal)Name 01/01/1986
Hage-West (Personal)Name 31/10/2012
Haggis HostelsCorporate 02/06/2011
Haider-Schoener von Sonnheim, C & W (Personal)Name 05/03/2019
Haig & Haig WhiskyCorporate 01/01/1979
Haig CheckName 01/01/1908
Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina University)Corporate 20/01/2023
HaileyburyCorporate 13/01/2010
Haines Family (Personal)Name 12/08/2010
Hair o' the DugFashion 28/06/2022
Hakkarain (Personal)Name 01/01/2004
Hakodate RedDistrict 01/04/2024
Halbert, D & Family (Personal)Name 07/05/2022
Halcrow HowellName 16/04/2010
HalesowenDistrict Not Specified
Halesowen #2District Not Specified
Haley, David & Family (Personal)Name 18/05/2021
Halifax Gay Men's ChorusCorporate 18/01/2022
Halifax Regional PoliceCorporate 22/02/2018
HallDistrict 16/03/2017
Hall (1994)Clan/Family01/01/1992
Hall, from Springbrook and Newtown (Personal)Clan/Family01/09/1999
Hall, Graeme (Personal)Name 19/02/2024
Hall, W A B (Personal)Name 10/04/2017
HallidayName 01/01/2008
HallingdalDistrict 01/01/1970
Hallowfield WoodFashion 29/10/2015
HALOCorporate 15/04/2019
Halpin, William and Lucille (Personal)Name 24/10/2022
Hamburg 2Corporate 01/10/2005
HameFashion 13/10/2020
Hamilton Green HuntingClan/Family01/01/1999
Hamilton of BrandonClan/Family01/01/1997
Hamilton of Clayton (Personal)Name 01/01/1959
Hamilton Skotch IceCorporate 01/01/1951
Hamilton, Mary Elizabeth (Personal)Name 19/11/2022
Hamilton, RedClan/Family01/01/1997
Hamish Henderson CommemorativeCommemorative 26/06/2016
Hamley, G & Family (Personal)Name 07/12/2021
Hammarby Football ClubCorporate 01/01/1999
Hammell, C and Family (Personal)Name 09/09/2024
Hammermueller, Tim & Family (Personal)Name 15/03/2019
Hammersley, Paul & Family (Personal)Name 07/12/2024
Hammond, Taylor Mallory (Personal)Name 07/11/2022
Hammons, M & Family (Personal)Name 19/08/2021
Hampden-Sydney CollegeCorporate 01/06/2013
HampsonName Not Specified
Hamworthy AssociationCorporate 25/07/2015
HanamiFashion 06/09/2017
HanbyName Not Specified
Hancock, N (Personal)Name 31/07/2023
Hand, EdinburghName 31/01/2012
Handley (Personal)Name 01/01/2007
Hands Across the Sea - North AmericaFashion 02/12/2017
Handweaver KeikoCorporate 30/05/2020
HandwritingFashion 23/11/2023
HankyuCorporate 01/02/2017
HanlyName 14/01/2009
Hanna (Bible) (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/1900
Hanna of Leith (yellow line)Clan/Family01/01/1960
Hanna of StirlingshireClan/Family01/01/1984
Hannah (Personal)Name 01/01/2007
Hannay BlueClan/Family01/01/2005
Hannay DressClan/Family01/01/1980
Hannigan of Dirleton (Personal)Name 01/07/1998
Hannona, Rafie & Family (Personal)Name 23/03/2021
Hans, Jaswinder (Personal)Name 26/04/2015
HANSA-PARKCorporate 04/03/2019
Hanson (2016)Name 03/12/2015
Happer V & North M and Family (Personal)Name 15/04/2023
HarazeenName 24/06/2010
Harbison (2015)Name 20/03/2015
Harbor ClubCorporate 01/01/1996
Harbour Town Hilton Head, TheCorporate 01/01/1994
Harbour ViewFashion 05/11/2023
Hard Rock CaféCorporate 08/02/2011
Hardbattle, Tom (Personal)Name 01/10/2011
HardenName 01/01/1819
HardingName 01/01/2005
Harding (Florida) (Personal)Name 01/01/2006
Hardisty, C & Family (Personal)Name 25/10/2022
Hardy, Ben (Personal)Name 21/11/2018
Hardy, Frédéric and de Romanet, Elisabeth (Personal)Name 15/04/2019
HargisClan/FamilyNot Specified
Harkin, D and Gil-Abillera, H - Wedding (Personal)Name 05/01/2022
Harkness DressClan/Family01/01/1981
Harkness HuntingClan/Family01/01/1981
Harley (2017)Name 03/04/2017
Harley (Leslie), RobertName 06/03/2013
Harley DavidsonCorporate 01/04/2003
HarmerCorporate 17/04/1997
Harmon (Personal)Name Not Specified
Harmon DressName 27/03/2009
Harmon HuntingName 27/03/2009
Harmon of Plenderleith (Personal)Name 27/03/2009
Harmon, David R (Personal)Name 13/07/2017
Harmon, David R Hunting (Personal)Name 05/04/2018
HarmonyFashion 01/01/2002
Harmony #1Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #11Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #11 (2)Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #12Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #12 (2)Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #13Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #14Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #2Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #3Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #5Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #6Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #8Fashion Not Specified
Harmony #9Fashion Not Specified
Harmony EildonFashion 01/01/1983
Harrell, Brandon & Lydiah and Family (Personal)Name 03/07/2024
Harris (1997) (Personal)Name 01/01/1997
Harris (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/2002
Harris LilacFashion Not Specified
Harris MistFashion 09/08/2022
Harris Royal BlueFashion Not Specified
Harris, J, A, E and L, & Family (Personal)Name 04/03/2025
Harris, Jeffrey S (Personal)Name 05/03/2015
Harris, Steven (Personal)Name 03/09/2015
Harriss, Dylan & Family (Personal)Name 31/08/2022
HarrodsCorporate 01/01/1993
Harrower, John Anthony (Personal)Name 11/03/2014
Harry of WalesName 01/01/2002
Harry PotterFashion 25/03/2024
Harry/ParryName 01/01/2000
Hart (Texas) (Personal)Name Not Specified
Hart of ScotlandClan/Family01/09/2000
Hartmann (Personal)Name 01/01/1999
HarveyName 01/01/1985
Harvey of Cornwall (Personal)Name 12/17/2007
HarvieClan/FamilyNot Specified
Hasegawa (Akasaka) (Personal)Name 18/08/2013
Hash House Harriers HuntingCorporate Not Specified
Hash House Harriers TrailCorporate Not Specified
Hastings-Stephenson (Personal)Name 01/10/2015
Hatcher (Texas) (Personal)Name 04/12/2009
Hatchobori SCDC (Dance)Corporate 10/08/2013
Haughey (2015)Name 06/10/2015
Haughey (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
HaughfootCorporate 01/03/2003
Haus of RvRCorporate 14/07/2015
Hauser (2017)Name 05/09/2017
Haut Family (by Dundee)Name 01/03/2011
HavelFashion 18/08/2011
HawaiianDistrict 01/09/1997
Hawes (2014)Name 15/01/2011
HawickDistrict 01/01/1996
Hawick (Trade Sett)Fashion 01/01/2003
Hawick Common RidingCorporate 01/01/2012
Hawick DressDistrict 01/01/1997
Hawick Rugby ClubCorporate 01/01/2000
Hawkes, Norman (Personal)Name 06/08/2011
Hawkins, Sanford and Family (Personal)Name 17/09/2023
Hawks, Robert & Family (Personal)Name 01/04/2017
Hawks, Robert (Personal)Name 08/04/2019
Hawks, Robert Dress (Personal)Name 01/04/2017
Hawks, Robert Hunting (Personal)Name 01/04/2017
Haworth (2017)Name 22/02/2007
Hawthorne, Craig - Holmes, Holly Wedding (Personal)Name 01/12/2018
Hay and LeithClan/Family01/01/1810
Hay of MegginchClan/Family15/05/2023
Hay StewartName 01/01/1838
Hay, HuntingClan/FamilyNot Specified
Hay, White DressClan/Family01/01/1950
Hay-Gray (Personal)Name 18/07/2013
Hayama Shirt Honten, TheCorporate 16/08/2013
Hayden (Dublin) (Personal)Name 09/09/2010
HayesFashion 01/01/1970
Haymarket Dress (Dance)Fashion 01/01/1984
Haymes, David and Hockema, Rachel (Personal)Name 30/05/2019
Haywood, Jessica and Clarke & Family (Personal)Name 01/09/2019
Hazen's SunsetFashion 08/06/2023
Head of The LakesDistrict 01/01/1995
Healy (Suspect)Clan/Family01/01/2004
Heart of AlbaFashion 24/03/2016
Heart of Midlothian Football ClubCorporate 01/01/1999
Heart of OakOther20/06/2016
Heart of Scotland (Lochcarron)Fashion 01/01/1999
Heart of Scotland (Milne)Fashion Not Specified
Heart of StrathearnCorporate 01/01/2005
Heart of the HighlandsFashion 23/03/2015
Heart SingsOther01/10/2019
Heartfelt WelcomeFashion 31/12/2024
HeartlandsFashion 07/11/2001
Heather (RSPCC)Corporate 01/01/1993
Heather BraeFashion 14/10/2020
Heather IsleFashion 01/09/2006
Heather MacRaeFashion 01/01/1988
Heather Mead (Personal)Name 05/12/2013
Heather's Christmas WishOther15/11/2020
Heavy Sky of PepingenCorporate 25/05/2016
Hébert Kitenge Family (Personal)Name 27/05/2015
Hebridean Arisaid Blue (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2005
Hebridean Arisaid Red (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2005
Hebridean CairnFashion 01/12/2005
Hebridean CelebrationFashion 17/08/2016
Hebridean GraniteFashion 01/12/2005
Hebridean HeatherFashion 01/12/2005
Hebridean MistFashion 01/12/2005
HebridesDistrict 01/01/1989
Hebrides #8OtherNot Specified
Hebrides, OuterOtherNot Specified
HebronFashion 01/01/1993
Hector, JamesCorporate 01/01/1999
HeddleName 01/06/2003
Hedelius (2017)Name 21/09/2017
HedwigFashion 25/03/2024
Heerendispuut NobiscumCorporate 29/09/2019
Hegarty, P & Family (Personal)Name 15/01/2015
Heidrick Family (Personal)Name 29/10/2015
Heil, Erich (Personal)Name 24/07/2024
Heil, Erich Dress (Personal)Name 14/08/2021
Heil, Erich Hunting (Personal)Name 16/04/2020
Heil, Kilian (Personal)Name 16/04/2020
Heil, Rüdiger (Personal)Name 28/10/2016
Heil, Rüdiger Dress (Personal)Name 12/12/2020
Heil, Rüdiger Hunting (Personal)Name 16/04/2021
Heil, Rudolf (Personal)Name 14/11/2018
Heil, Rudolf Dress (Personal)Name 22/12/2024
HeinekenCorporate 04/07/2017
Heirloom Blue AlbaFashion 01/01/2004
Heirloom Dark AlbaFashion 01/01/2004
Heirloom Red AlbaFashion 01/01/2004
Hek Family (Sunningdale, Berwick on Tweed)Name 29/03/2011
Helensburgh and LomondDistrict 12/07/2022
Hellenic Alliance of ScotlandCorporate 01/05/2021
Hello KittyCorporate 01/03/2004
Hello Kitty BlackFashion 23/03/2018
Hello Kitty DressCorporate 06/03/2023
Hello Kitty NavyFashion 30/05/2017
Hello Kitty RedFashion 10/03/2016
Help for HeroesCorporate 20/01/2012
Hempel, Gerd (Personal)Name 01/09/2018
HenburyCorporate 01/10/2005
Henderson Dress #1Clan/Family01/01/1996
Henderson Dress (Dance)Fashion 01/01/2002
Heneghan (Personal)Name Not Specified
HenkelCorporate 01/03/2004
Henry (2016)Name 07/12/2015
Henry, Augustus James (Personal)Name 17/10/2019
Henry, David G (Personal)Name 23/12/2015
Henry, W. A.Commemorative 01/01/2002
Henschke, Felix (Personal)Name 16/05/2016
Hepburn #2Name Not Specified
Heplersmith, Alison & Family (Personal)Name 20/04/2019
Herbage of Laggan (Personal)Name 01/01/1985
Herbst (2018)Name 12/01/2018
Herd, M and Family (Personal)Name 11/12/2020
Herd/HurdName 01/01/1978
Here's tae us!Fashion 10/07/2020
HeriotCorporate 01/01/1999
Heriot #2Name Not Specified
Heriot Bay Local (Quadra Island, British Columbia)District 01/06/2011
Heriot Watt UniversityCorporate 01/11/1996
HeritageCorporate 01/01/2003
Heritage #2Commemorative 01/09/1988
Héritage ArverneOther20/04/2019
Héritage EduenOther02/03/2017
Heritage of HalifaxFashion 11/05/2023
Heritage of ScotlandFashion 01/09/2007
Heritage PlaidCorporate 01/01/1970
Héritage SéquaneDistrict 09/05/2012
Heritage Tartan, TheCorporate 01/01/2002
Herlem, P & Fant, C and Family (Personal)Name 03/09/2024
Hermanski, S & Family (Personal)Name 04/03/2023
Hermione GrangerFashion 25/03/2024
Hermitage AcademyCorporate Not Specified
Hernandez de Noda Quintana, Arturo & Family (Personal)Name 03/10/2019
Hernandez de Noda Quintana, Gianna Marie (Personal)Name 20/04/2023
Heroes of The SeaFashion 01/11/2011
Herrbach, Nathanaël & Barbara (Personal)Name 29/04/2022
Herrington, Xerxes & Taruffi, Mariagrazia (Personal)Name 16/08/2020
Herriot New ZealandName 04/01/2010
Herriot, Anthony (Personal)Name 10/09/2012
Herron of Ulster (Personal)Name 01/01/2005
Herry (2016)Name 01/12/2015
Herzog, Christian (Personal)Name 20/11/2018
HescoCorporate 29/04/2016
Hesketh, D (Personal)Name 02/04/2024
Heslop Lurdenlaw by KelsoName 01/12/2010
Hewin, David and Lorna (Personal)Name 21/04/2023
HewittName 01/11/2005
Hewitt #2Name Not Specified
Hexter-Carmichael, J (Personal)Name 24/05/2024
Hibernian Football ClubCorporate 01/01/1999
Hibernian Football Club (2004)Corporate 01/11/2002
Hick P & D (Personal)Name 11/07/2017
HickoryFashion 10/03/2015
Hickory DressFashion 08/02/2022
Hicks, Clinton (Personal)Name 02/11/2018
Hicks, David A (Personal)Name 05/05/2021
Hiddes de Fries, Marc (Personal)Name 01/07/2018
Hier Family, Kilcreggan (Personal)Name 12/12/2011
Higgins School of Highland DanceCorporate 14/06/2024
Higgins School of Highland Dance - DressCorporate 14/06/2024
Higher OrbitsCorporate 01/01/2020
Highfield DressClan/Family01/01/1982
Highfield HuntingClan/Family01/01/1982
Highland 14, TheFashion 14/04/2018
Highland AircraftFashion 10/03/2013
Highland BelleFashion 19/07/2017
Highland BlueCorporate 01/01/1993
Highland Brewing Company (USA)Corporate 20/09/2013
Highland CathedralFashion 01/01/2004
Highland CelebrationFashion 26/06/2019
Highland Community College (Kansas)Corporate 17/10/2017
Highland DestinyFashion Not Specified
Highland DreamFashion 28/05/2019
Highland DuskFashion 01/01/2006
Highland FlameFashion 07/11/2018
Highland GlenCorporate Not Specified
Highland GraniteFashion 01/01/2005
Highland GreenCorporate 01/01/1993
Highland Greenford (Personal)Name 08/10/2011
Highland HeatherFashion 16/08/2018
Highland HeroineFashion 01/05/2021
Highland HospiceFashion 01/01/1996
Highland LavenderCorporate 04/08/2017
Highland MistCorporate 01/08/2002
Highland ParkCorporate 01/01/1996
Highland Park High School (Texas)Corporate 28/01/2013
Highland Park HS Pipe BandCorporate 01/01/1940
Highland Pride of ScotlandFashion 01/01/2004
Highland Princess, TheFashion 04/08/2013
Highland Pub CompanyCorporate 01/11/1996
Highland QueenCorporate 09/02/2010
Highland RoadFashion Not Specified
Highland RugbyCommemorative 17/12/2020
Highland SagaOther24/12/2021
Highland SkyFashion 01/12/2005
Highland SpiritFashion 01/01/2002
Highland Spring (1985)Corporate 01/01/1985
Highland Spring (1988)Corporate 01/01/1987
Highland Spring (1997)Corporate 01/01/1996
Highland Spring Dress (2004)Corporate 01/02/2004
Highland ThistleCorporate 01/02/2007
Highland TitlesCorporate 23/09/2011
Highland VillageFashion 01/01/1901
HighlanderCorporate 01/03/2000
Highlander Highland LaddieFashion 01/09/1997
Highlands at DawnFashion 04/10/2022
Highlands at DuskFashion 04/10/2022
Highlands at Wyomissing, TheCorporate 10/08/2013
Highlands Country ClubCorporate 01/01/1984
Highlands of DurhamCorporate 30/03/2000
Highlands of Durham #2Corporate 01/01/2005
Highlands of HaliburtonDistrict 01/01/1970
Highlands of Haliburton DressDistrict 20/07/2011
Highlands School (North Carolina)Corporate 01/01/1991
HightonCorporate 23/09/2019
HillName 19/03/2009
Hill 70Commemorative 02/04/2015
Hill of Banchory Primary SchoolCorporate Not Specified
Hilliard, Brandon & Family (Personal)Name 04/03/2025
Hillsden, Kenneth J (Personal)Name 16/04/2020
Hillsden, Kenneth J Hunting (Personal)Name 09/11/2021
Hilse, M & Family (Personal)Name 17/11/2023
Hilton Academy ForeverOther21/04/2021
Hilton CheckCorporate 01/01/1989
Hines Snr, Raymond Lee (Personal)Name 17/08/2015
Hinnigan (Personal)Name 01/01/2002
Hinton, Russell & Burgess, Kirsty – Wedding (Personal)Name 02/08/2024
Hird (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
Hirter KaroCorporate Not Specified
Hislop Hunting (Personal)Name Not Specified
Hislop/Hyslop HuntingClan/Family01/01/1992
Hislop/Hyslop Hunting #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Historic Caledonian Railway Enthusiasts', TheFashion 27/03/2012
Historic ScotlandCorporate 01/01/1998
Historic Scotland (1998)Corporate 01/01/1998
HIT ScotlandCorporate 05/12/2023
Hitchens, William HenryName 09/07/2010
HMS ForthOther03/03/2017
HMS NeptuneMilitary 05/02/2015
Hoa SenFashion 10/08/2015
Hoban (Personal)Name 01/08/2002
Hobbs, Nicholas Scott and Rhonda Maxine (Personal)Name 21/06/2021
Hoben (Personal)Name 01/01/1960
HobkirkCorporate 30/07/2002
Hodge, Robert & Family (Personal)Name 23/02/2023
Hodgert, Connor & Family (Personal)Name 20/07/2021
HodgkinsonCorporate 01/01/2002
Hoerricks, K J (Personal)Name 01/11/2018
Hoffman Texas GermanName 02/08/2011
Hoffmann FamilyCorporate 10/01/2022
HoganName 23/04/2009
Hogan (2014)Name 29/07/2014
Hogarth of FirhillClan/Family01/01/1971
Hogarth of Firhill #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Hogeboom (Toronto) (Personal)Name 12/05/2012
Hogg DressName 04/04/2008
Hogg, A (Personal)Name 14/09/2020
Hoggan, D & Family (Personal)Name 06/04/2022
Hogmany PlaidCommemorative 01/01/1999
HogwartsFashion 25/03/2024
Hogwarts ExpressFashion 25/03/2024
Hohenzollern StaffClan/Family01/03/2007
Holder, Evan and Brittany (Personal)Name 25/12/2019
HolestoneCorporate Not Specified
Holiday Inn Crown PlazaCorporate 01/01/1990
Holker, G & Family (Personal)Name 09/08/2024
Holland & SherryCorporate Not Specified
Holland, Mark & Family (Personal)Name 25/08/2020
Holland, Tartan ofFashion 01/05/2005
Hollas, Andreas (Personal)Name 23/05/2022
Holliday, Marc & Family (Personal)Name 17/03/2022
Holliday, Marc & Family Dress (Personal)Name 08/04/2022
Holliday-Aldasch, Marc & Family (Personal)Name 29/06/2022
Holman (Personal)Name 01/06/1997
Holmes Care GroupCorporate 23/10/2023
Holmlund-Krantz (Personal)Name 03/11/2017
Holmston Primary SchoolCorporate Not Specified
Holroyd, John (Personal)Name 06/03/2015
Holt Renfrew OgilvyCorporate 14/09/2020
Holt TownDistrict 14/12/2024
Holtry, Anthony & McLeod, Barbara - Wedding (Personal)Name 07/08/2024
Holy LochFashion Not Specified
Holyoke St. Patrick'sCorporate 17/03/2002
HolyroodCommemorative 01/01/1980
Holyrood (Chair)Other01/01/2002
Holyrood Golden Jubilee IICommemorative 01/03/2002
Home (Clans Originaux)Clan/Family01/01/1880
Home or Hume (Vestiarium Scoticum)Clan/Family01/01/1842
Home-Start Glasgow NorthCorporate 21/02/2018
HomecomingFashion Not Specified
HomelessFashion 01/01/2018
Hong Kong Police Pipe BandCorporate 01/01/1850
Hong Kong St Andrew's SocietyCorporate 14/03/2016
Hong Kong, University ofCorporate 04/06/2012
Honour & RedemptionFashion 16/01/2017
Honouring Service - TKH KiltsFashion 22/04/2024
Hookins (2018)Name 07/12/2017
Hooley, Keir and Family (Personal)Name 26/03/2021
HopeFashion 01/01/2016
Hope For Life Cancer AwarenessCorporate 20/11/2019
Hope, Philip (Personal)Name 01/05/2018
Hope-Vere (Lochcarron)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Hope-Vere/Weir #2Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Hope-Vere/Weir (Modern)Clan/FamilyNot Specified
Hope-Weir/WeirClan/FamilyNot Specified
HopetounCorporate 01/01/1984
Hopetoun Rejected designCorporate Not Specified
Hopking, M & Family (Personal)Name 04/09/2019
Hopkins (Wales)Name 01/01/2000
Hopkins, Andrew & Family (2024) (Personal)Name 13/12/2024
Hopp-Khodov, A & M (Personal)Name 14/11/2023
Horne, Philip (Personal)Name 01/03/2021
HororataDistrict 10/06/2011
HoseOtherNot Specified
Hose #2Fashion 01/01/1820
Hose (Dunmore)Other01/01/1760
Hot BoontjieFashion 22/06/2015
Hottelet, H & Family (Personal)Name 20/12/2022
Hound & HareCorporate 09/01/2024
House of Braganza (Portugal), TheOther25/09/2018
House of BruarCorporate 01/01/1998
House of Edgar Shotts & DykeheadCorporate 01/04/2003
House of ElrickCorporate 04/04/2017
House of FuenmayorCorporate 31/07/2020
House of HollandFashion Not Specified
House of MerchistonFashion 01/03/2016
Houston #2 (Personal)Name 01/01/1994
Houston (Personal)Name 01/11/1994
Houston Kiltmakers AonachCorporate 10/11/2023
Hovington (2014)Name 12/04/2014
Howard, J and Basu, N & Family (Personal)Name 31/01/2024
Howard, Vincent (Personal)Name 26/05/2014
Howarth, D & Family (Personal)Name 12/03/2022
Howell of WalesName 01/01/2002
HowellsName 01/01/2000
Huaumé, Patrick Antoine (Personal)Name 04/10/2014
Hubbard (2016)Name 08/06/2016
Hubbard Foundation of ScotlandCorporate 01/01/2004
Hudnall, B & Family (Personal)Name 26/02/2024
Hudson (Personal)Name 01/01/1997
Hudson ClydeFashion 16/07/2019
Hudson HighlandsDistrict 28/11/2023
Hudson Highlands DressDistrict 28/11/2023
Hudson Highlands HuntingDistrict 28/11/2023
Hudson Hunting (Personal)Name 01/01/1997
Hudson's Bay CompanyFashion 01/01/1974
Hueg (Bavaria) Hunting (Personal)Name 12/11/2011
Hueg (Bavaria) Scottish Blue Thistle (Personal)Name 27/11/2012
Hueg (Bavaria) Scottish Thistle (Personal)Name 09/11/2012
Hueg (Munich) Formal (Personal)Name 24/11/2011
Hueg (Munich) Hunting (Personal)Name 11/11/2011
HufflepuffFashion 25/03/2024
Hughes (USA) (Personal)Name 01/01/1975
Hughes Interconnection Int.Clan/Family01/01/2003
Hughes of WalesName 01/01/2002
Hulderman, S & Family (Personal)Name 07/03/2021
Humanitarian Mission DressFashion 29/09/2012
Humble, Gordon (Personal)Name 07/06/2015
Hume or HomeName Not Specified
Humeau, Maxime (Personal)Name 20/11/2022
HumlechokCorporate 24/01/1984
Hummelt, Katherine (Personal)Name 11/07/2016
Humphrey, Benjamin and Alice (Personal)Name 24/02/2019
Humphries (Personal)Clan/Family16/02/2004
Hungerford RFCCorporate 01/02/2006
Hunn, P G L & Family (Personal)Name 26/02/2025
Hunnisett/Edinchip (Personal)Name 01/04/1986
Hunt (Personal)Name 01/01/2004
Hunt for Hope FloridaOther24/01/2023
HunterFashion 01/01/1819
Hunter (1775)Other01/01/1775
Hunter (USA)Clan/Family01/01/1984
Hunter (Wilsons')Clan/Family01/01/1790
Hunter GrahamCommemorative 26/11/2008
Hunter of Bute (Personal)Clan/Family01/01/1991
Hunter of HunterstonClan/Family01/01/1983
Hunter of PeebleshireClan/Family01/01/2002
Hunting, TheCorporate 07/01/2009
Huntley Fire Protection DistrictCorporate 27/03/2010
HuntlyDistrict 01/01/1819
Huntly #2District 01/01/1975
Huntly #3Fashion 01/01/1988
Huntly Gordon 2000Commemorative 01/01/1999
Hutchens (Kansas) (Personal)Name 15/12/2009
HutchesonClan/FamilyNot Specified
Hutchesons' Grammar SchoolCorporate 01/02/2005
Hutt #1 (Personal)Name 01/01/1996
HuttonName 01/01/2004
Hybelius, J-A (Personal)Name 02/09/2015
Hydesville TowerCorporate 01/12/1999
Hydro-ElectricCorporate 01/01/1995
Hyland Day (Personal)Name 28/05/2002
Hyland Evening (Personal)Name 28/05/2002
Hynde (Sir John)Other01/01/1744
Hyndman (Personal)Name 14/02/2002
Hyndman, Henry & Family (Personal)Name 15/08/2020
Hynett, William (Personal)Name 28/07/2016
Hyslop, D (Personal)Name 15/07/2017