The Scottish Register of Tartans

22 December 2024
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Search Results

Your search has produced 79 results. To view more detailed information on any of the tartans listed, simply click on a tartan name.

The automated system has identified the following tartans as being potentially similar to your new design. Please note that these results are provided as a guide only, even when no matches are identified. All applications to register tartans will be re-checked manually by Tartan Register staff once the application has been submitted.

Note: Reference numbers less than 10,000 relate to pre-existing tartans previously included in the Scottish Tartans Authority and Scottish Tartans World Register databases. Reference numbers 10,000 or above relate to tartans registered in the official Register. Please click on the links below to view full details.

Legend:  - a woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland. 

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Tartan NameMacDougall – 1850 #1  
DesignerSmith, W & AKSTA Ref8333
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref575
Tartan NameMadewell  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4024
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref2735
Tartan NameMadewell Dress  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4051
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref2719
Tartan NameMair, Gordon & Family (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference13560
DesignerMcGreechin, Erin and Smith, Siobhan  
Date Recorded6/7/2022  
a woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.
Tartan NameMair, I D & Family (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference12622
DesignerSmith, Siobhan, House of Edgar  
Date Recorded3/10/2019  
a woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.
Tartan NameMcMonagle, P D R & C (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference13636
DesignerSmith, Siobhan and McGreechin, Erin  
Date Recorded4/10/2022  
a woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.
Tartan NameMichael Pellicci (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference11259
DesignerSmith, Barry  
Date Recorded26/3/2015  
Tartan NameMurtaugh  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4022
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref2835
Tartan NameNooten-Boom (Personal)  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4021
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref3070
Tartan NameO'Raghallaigh, R & Family (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference12997
DesignerSmith, Siobhan & Tetlow, Izzy  
Date Recorded8/12/2020  
Tartan NameO’Neil-Mohabir, E & R (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference13633
DesignerMcGreechin, Erin and Smith, Siobhan  
Date Recorded27/9/2022  
a woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.
Tartan NameOmega Delta Sigma, National Veterans Fraternity  
CategoryCorporate Reference11189
DesignerSmith, Samuel A  
Date Recorded12/12/2014  
Tartan NamePalmer, Arnold  
DesignerSmith, William Rubicon FootwearSTA Ref6482
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Refnone
Tartan NamePrater Contracts Ltd  
CategoryCorporate Reference11732
DesignerSmith, Siobhan  
Date Recorded8/3/2017  
Tartan NameQuinchon, Pierre (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference13605
DesignerMcGreechin, Erin and Smith, Siobhan  
Date Recorded23/8/2022  
a woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.
Tartan NameRasool, N & Family (Personal)  
CategoryName Reference13689
DesignerMcGreechin, Erin and Smith, Siobhan  
Date Recorded15/11/2022  
a woven sample of this tartan has been received by the Scottish Register of Tartans for permanent preservation in the National Records of Scotland.
Tartan NameRegan  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4020
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref2837
Tartan NameRegan/O'Riagain  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4020
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Refnone
Tartan NameRutledge  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4019
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref2802
Tartan NameSaul (Personal)  
DesignerSmith, Donald SuttieSTA Ref4018
Date RecordedNot SpecifiedSTWR Ref2863

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