The Scottish Register of Tartans

7 March 2025
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Authority to Register and Indemnity

Please note that by submitting an application to register a tartan, you are certifying your authority to register the tartan and indemnifying the Keeper of the Tartan Register from any liability for damages or expenses incurred as a result of your application. Please click on the links below to access more detailed advice.

Authority to register

Authority to register your tartan

By selecting the 'yes' button you are certifying that you have the authority to authorise the Keeper to include this tartan in the Register under the Scottish Register of Tartans Act 2008 Section 6(3)(b).

You are certifying therefore that

  • You are the owner of the tartan, or
  • You have the written consent of a third party (individual or group) to the inclusion of their name and address on the Register and their authority to register the tartan on their behalf, and
  • You have the appropriate authority for your proposed tartan name. For further information, please refer to the guidance on tartan names.

Please attach evidence of your authority by browsing and selecting the relevant file.

If you experience difficulty in uploading the document, you can send it by email attachment to [email protected]. Please ensure that your email includes the proposed tartan name.

If you are not the owner/designer of the tartan and/or do not have the authority to register it, then you will need to contact Tartan Register staff to ascertain whether you can proceed with your application.

If, as far as you can ascertain, there is no other person who has the right to authorise the Keeper to register the tartan, then you may still be able to proceed. You will be asked to submit evidence of your search to identify a person who may have the right to authorise registration. Please email [email protected].
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By submitting your application to register a tartan you are deemed to indemnify the Keeper from any liability for damages or expenses incurred as a result of or in connection with the proposed registration.
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